Got the swim in…

Well…as I told you this morning, today was going to be the day that I kept the streak of 61 years of at least one swim in LM going….and I did! Even though it looked like rain, and was raining when I left, I trooped over to GH to at least splash in the water…when I got there, the wind was blowing about 25 from the southwest and there were huge waves coming in…but the problem was that the wind was coming from the southwest…it set up a really, really strong rip current that was running parallel to the beach and made it hard to even get to water that was deep enough to swim in…but, I made it and the water was really quite nice but I didn’t stay in long with the dangerous conditions…and getting back through the rip to the beach just about wore me out with the shallows being almost 50 yards wide. I did find something out today, too…wet sand is even a bigger pain to deal with as dry…it got all over the interior, my clothes, and me and wouldn’t brush off with a towel…so, the car is going to need to be vacuumed tomorrow…on to 62 years!

The same infection in England…

Well…it appears that The UK has the same infection we have here with the rise of English nationalism and populism…along with the same kind of lies that gave us trump and his cronies. Over the past week, the PM, Boris Johnson, has basically said to parliament that they are no longer needed and he will make all the decisions on whether to leave the EU on 10/31, and got the Queen to approve of his suspension op parliament until 10/15, ensuring that the no-deal brexit will be the only option left on the table. Now, I know you’re saying who cares? It’s the UK, what does that have to do with us? The point I’m trying to make here is that all of these right wing assholes starting with trump lie their asses off to trick people into voting for them and then destroy every damn thing they touch…look what’s happening here with the idiotic tariffs…the latest numbers show that manufacturing output has contracted for the first time in 10 years over the last quarter and we are speedily heading toward a recession and it was all done on purpose from ignorance and ideology…and the same lying, ignorance, and wishful thinking got the majority of the UK to vote for Brexit even though it is going to cripple their economy if if goes forward…and now the ideologically rigid conservatives led by Johnson are doing just what trump did here…what conservatives do everywhere since they think ideology and wishful thinking trumps facts. Everywhere in the damn world these know nothings are ruining people’s lives and destroying economies…and people keep voting for them…stupid, stupid people.

August 3rd

Well…as you could see if you came here earlier, my site was down from when I got up this morning until just now when my son got it fixed…so, I’m running late today through no fault of my own…geez…that’s weird to say…I did sleep in until 5:50 this morning and don’t feel to bad right now since I’ve already gotten the bike ride in…did get a little wet riding today but it wasn’t bad…I think I missed the heavy rain…so far…but I am going to go out to GH here in a while to get my yearly swim in even if it’s raining…just as long as there isn’t lightning I’m fine with rain…just won’t be able to sit on the beach today but I’m going take my chair anyway just in case…this will be 61 years in a row that I’ve had a swim in LM and I wonder how long I can keep that up? I did get the bathroom done at the house yesterday but I won’t go over today…hmmm…maybe this afternoon…I do have some prep work to do before I can paint the living room and still need to do clean up from all the sanding on the cupboard doors from the bathroom…and I do need to put the bathroom door back on so maybe I will go over….more later…

It’s not looking good for idiot boy…

Well….I’m not sure why the media is focusing on the idiot trump’s approval rating that has never moved out of the high 30′s to low 40′s since he was installed by Putin, instead of all of the other negatives that has started to appear in polling. The big takeaway from these latest polls is that 56% of the people responded they would not vote for the idiot under any circumstances…with a number like that, trump should start getting measured for his orange jumpsuit that he will be wearing in prison after he is gone…but that’s not the only number he should be worried about…the polling on his “handling” of the economy is sagging to where he is two points underwater with the only thing that he could point to as an accomplishment…but, we all know he hasn’t done a damn thing for the economy but sabotage it after he inherited a strong one from Obama. One last thing that the moron in chief should be really, really worried about is polling that says that any one of the top 5 dem candidates would trounce him in a landslide…with Biden leading by almost 12 points head to head. So, some good news for our side and some bad for the bad guys…the election can’t come soon enough for me…can’t wait to rid this country of these assholes…

September 2nd

Well…made it all the way to 6 this morning but that is not unusual given that I didn’t get to bed until almost midnight…actually, I got up at 5:03 the first time but was able to go back to bed for another hour and sleep which is unusual….I think doing only one ride yesterday is the key why I don’t hurt too much this morning but I’m not sure if I’ll do one or two today…it looks like I can get out here in a few minutes since it is almost 60 out there but I will have to put a fleece on since I am not adapting well to the cooler weather yet…don’t even want to think about the cold that is coming and having to put the full thermasuit on to ride….didn’t really get anything done around here yesterday with going over to the house and then watching races most of the day and today looks the same with putting the bathroom back together and then back here for live drag races at 1…I suppose I could clean when the races are on and I might just do that since the kitchen and bathroom both need some work….more later…

Don’t want to get behind…

Well…I know it’s the first day of the month but you know how I really hate getting behind here so I thought I’d just do one about nothing really…don’t want to do politics today…at least not right now…I did head over to the house today just to get the 200 pounds of dirt and stuff out of the trunk…I felt bad about how the rear of the car was sagging right down to the bump stops and didn’t want to do any permanent damage that I can’t afford to fix right now…so, I filled the holes in the front yard and put some seed down along with putting some weed and feed on the yard to see if I can start to bring it back this fall…and I pulled some more tape off the bathroom and the back door that I painted Friday…that came out pretty good and getting the sill plate painted made all the difference to how the entry looks…I do need to clean the translucent dropped ceiling panels for the bathroom tomorrow since they look like they haven’t been cleaned in 20 years….going to be a pain without the water being on but it needs to be done…need to take a bucket and a scrub brush and use the tub to do that job…still lots of cleanup and detail work to do on the bathroom since you always get bleed through even with the blue painters tape…then I can start on the living room and the bedroom I’m going to use but need to do more prep work first…lots of holes need to be filled and sanded…but not Tuesday…doing my swim then so I’ll take that day off…

September 1st

Well…5:04 this morning and I am getting tired of getting up so damn early…and I feel pretty crappy to go along with it so today is already shaping up to be one I’m going to want to forget…not sure what bloomed over the past few days but the goldenrod but whatever it is, I feel miserable and stuffed up today along with every other damn allergy symptom so I think I’ll have to take something here in a little while…I did get two bike rides in yesterday and that may be why I’m so exhausted today…the second ride was pure torture and I never really got comfortable at all…so I think I’ll think about riding at all today later…it’s raining right now so that gives me an excuse to just ease into the day…I was going to take the weekend off the house but I needed to get supplies to work on the lawn and now the Miata is sagging with 200 pounds of dirt, feed, and seed in the trunk…will take that over tomorrow and work on the lawn after I get the bathroom put back together…not much to do today…if I don’t ride today, I will clean some around here but I can’t get stuff ready to take to the house since I don’t have room for it other than in the passenger’s seat…so maybe I’ll take something small….more later….

Ha, ha…you silly farmers…

Well…geez…who could have predicted this…who could have predicted that an ignorant, pussy grabbing, serial bankrupter would not have any idea how trade works and think that “trade wars are easy to win”? Yeah, just about everybody but the troglodytes who voted for the idiot….and now the stories of farmers who are losing the markets they have worked to build for decades are starting to be told and I am incredulous that they are confused how this could happen…when they chose to believe the reality show version of the successful trump when it was clear that he has never been a great businessman and they would of known that if they could have put away their racism, hate, and misogyny and stopped watching fox news for just one damn minute. “But, her e-mails!”  Hey, farmers, I wonder if you would still have your global markets if Hillary had been elected…yeah, you know the answer to that…they would have been better than ever and China would have been a fair trading partner since the Chinese know they couldn’t bullshit her like they can trump….you know the next story I want to see the media report? How about you talk to a realist farmer who voted for Hillary and tried to tell his friends what trump would do to them with his stupidity and ignorance…and when their friends whine and bitch about losing money, those people need to understand that they are the ones that did this to the country by voting for a fraud and they are responsible for their own fate…think next time…if you can….geez….

August 31st

Well….damn, it’s cold out there right now…only 50 degrees and that is going to force me to wait for a while to go out since I just don’t want to be that cold right now…so that may set me up for only one ride today with F1 qualifying on at 9…and it’s Spa today and I don’t want to miss that…didn’t sleep too badly last night and got up late for me at almost 6 but that didn’t help…still pretty exhausted right now and I hope the coffee helps soon…I worked at the house every day this week and that may have something to do with it…and I have to get some topsoil, lawn food, and grass seed today to take over there Monday and do some of the repairs to the lawn I have been thinking of…after I put the bathroom back together, that is….and pull some more tape off the walls and finish that up…I am going to take Tuesday off for my yearly swim in Lake Michigan since it is going to be 87 and that looks like the last warm day of the year…and I do need to be able to keep my swim streak going at 61 years….I wonder how much beach is left in GH with the high water levels? Not much to do today…just the normal weekend day with some cleaning and prepping stuff to take over to the house Monday…more later…oh, and Michigan starts their season tonight and I am looking forward to that…Go Blue!

Trump’s losing fox news…

Well…you know I never, ever like to give fox news credit for anything since they are a cesspool of hate, lies, and trump fluffing…but, something happened the other day that just stunned me and I had to share it. After the past couple of weeks of trump attacking fox news for having dems on sometimes and not kissing trump’s ass enough…Neil Cavuto had had enough and went on the most righteous rant that basically laid bare the fact that trump lies all the time and that trump’s idea of fake news is just facts that he doesn’t like…cripes, this thing could have been written by any one of the anchors on MSNBC and I wonder why now? Has fox finally come to the realization that trump is toast in 2020 and is starting to distance the network from him? Yeah, I know, it’s like Dr. Frankenstein trying to distance himself from the monster he created…I wonder why trump hasn’t responded? Has he finally realized that fox news is all he has left and isn’t going to get fawning from anywhere else? Whatever the reason, I’ll bet the idiot in chief is stewing about Cavuto right now and I can’t wait for the tweetstorm…should be a beaut…

What you never want to be….