Well…you know I never, ever like to give fox news credit for anything since they are a cesspool of hate, lies, and trump fluffing…but, something happened the other day that just stunned me and I had to share it. After the past couple of weeks of trump attacking fox news for having dems on sometimes and not kissing trump’s ass enough…Neil Cavuto had had enough and went on the most righteous rant that basically laid bare the fact that trump lies all the time and that trump’s idea of fake news is just facts that he doesn’t like…cripes, this thing could have been written by any one of the anchors on MSNBC and I wonder why now? Has fox finally come to the realization that trump is toast in 2020 and is starting to distance the network from him? Yeah, I know, it’s like Dr. Frankenstein trying to distance himself from the monster he created…I wonder why trump hasn’t responded? Has he finally realized that fox news is all he has left and isn’t going to get fawning from anywhere else? Whatever the reason, I’ll bet the idiot in chief is stewing about Cavuto right now and I can’t wait for the tweetstorm…should be a beaut…