A few stats…

Well…as you know, I do this site mainly for myself to have a place where I can vent or just talk a little about things that mean something to me…and there are times when I am lucid and make some good, original points…not all the time but sometimes…and there are times when I am curious how much I really am doing this for myself and how many other people come here to read this stuff…so, being a little bored today, I went out to the stats section of my site to take a look…and I am a little humbled by how many people come here every day to take a look at what I have to say. Over this past month, there were almost 10,000 individual visits to this site…I know this is not a lot when compared to others but that is over 300 separate people a day that stop in to take a look….and there were over 141,000 page views in that same time so it appears that people are looking back into the almost 7,000 posts I have done here since I started this thing almost 10 years ago….and I really do appreciate that….being retired now through no choice of my own, this site gives me something to do on days when life seems interminable and boring….so, I’ll keep doing this as long as I can and I hope you find something that is thought provoking, or funny at times….or even silly…I’ll try to not be boring..but even that happens sometimes…

Whine, whine, whine….

Well….trump must have found his stash this morning and got up tweeting again…at 5:24 this morning he got started bitching that when he googled himself, he got 96% negative news returns…and it couldn’t be that he is a terrible person, an asshole, as it were, or that he hasn’t accomplished anything positive for the majority of the people in the US…nope, it has to be a giant conspiracy by every media company in the world to prevent his genius and brilliance from being accurately reported. It can’t be that he committed two felonies (so far) in ordering Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels, or it couldn’t be that he delivered a tax cut for the 1% and blew up the deficit so the repubs can go after SS and Medicare, or that he conspired with the Russians to steal the election, or that he ordered children ripped from their parents at the border and kept in cages, or that he daily shows how petty and small he is by refusing to acknowledge McCain’s service to the country, and on, and on, and on…hey donnie, show me one positive thing you have done that is based in reality not on fox news…I’ll give you a minute…tick tock….no? Can’t think of anything…yeah, no one else can either, you moron…geez, you sound like a toddler whining about wanting a second piece of cake…why don’t you just shut the hell up and resign already? Impeach….

August 28th

Well…running a little early today with waking up at 5:08…didn’t get up until 6 but that is still early…had an okay day yesterday and today is starting out okay with rain and some thunderstorms moving in soon so it looks like I won’t be getting on the bike until 10 or so…I did have a nice ride out and back to pool which we tied and found that I had won 12 bucks in the last Mega drawing so I rolled it into 6 picks for today…it would sure be nice to win something….woke up feeling a little better today after being half good with only one cocktail last night and that was the last one until after I get my checkup next Tuesday morning…I am kind of looking forward to that, really, I can use the weight loss and I’m sure my liver will like the rest…not much to do today….going to clean some as I wait for the rain to stop but not right now…going to ease into the day with some more coffee and reading the news then getting to work….more later…

What a petty little punk…

Well…by now, everyone in the world knows what a petty little punk the idiot trump is but over the weekend, he outdid himself with his temper tantrum over a WH statement on John McCain’s life and death. After the WH staff put together a press release praising McCain’s service to the country, the petty little punk told them to throw it away and then tweeted some inane nonsense…in the same vein as “thoughts and prayers” that the repubs always use in a time of tragedy. Trump then added to his pettiness by only allowing the flags at the WH to be flown at half staff for one day and then personally telling the color guard to raise them again. What a petty little son of a bitch who cares nothing for anything or anyone but himself and needs to go…now…impeach…

August 27th

Well…running late again today and I feel pretty crappy still…my lungs and head are filled with crap and I still don’t have a lot of energy…but, I don’t feel all too bad and will get out on the bike in a while…the storms missed here last night and that is getting to be a broken record….just got a little rain but that was about it ….there was almost 5 inches of rain to the north and it is still raining now but nothing here…didn’t get much done yesterday with feeling crappy and today will be the same with pool this aft…I may get my hair cut this morning if I feel like it but right now it looks like I’ll wait until tomorrow…have had pain in my hips and legs since yesterday but I’m not sure what that is about….all I know is that I had a hard time getting comfortable yesterday and my thighs are burning today so I think I’ll take something for it in a while….more later…

RIP John McCain…

Well…I have mixed feelings about John McCain but there was enough good and, compared to the normal repubs today, that I can say that I admired some of the things he did and his service to this country…and that makes him human in my eyes and that is not a bad thing. There are many, many tributes on the internet and in the news today so I won’t repeat any of them here…I’ll just say Rest In Peace, Mr. McCain…the Senate will be a much worse place with you gone…

Oh, one last thing….striking out at the idiot trump from beyond the grave, McCain made it perfectly clear he didn’t want trump or his family or his minions anywhere near his funeral….asking Obama and GW to do the eulogy…mavericky to the end….

August 26th

Well…running really late today since I wanted to get out and get the bike ride in before the F1 race and I did…it was so damn humid out there that it was like riding in liquid…but there was a lot of cool fog, too, and that is always neat to see…slept okay last night but got up late so I didn’t get to have coffee before the ride and that makes it much harder but I survived it…I usually burn off the caffeine on the ride so I’m not sure how that is going to work today…felt pretty crappy all day yesterday and I think it may be a bug….I have a little sore throat today and some coughing so I think it’s not just not eating enough…it could be allergies, too, since I did get some relief with taking some allergy medicine last night…all I know is I felt really lousy yesterday and I still feel it today so it is going to be an easy day…I do need to clean the bathroom today but I am going to wait a while before I start that….more later….

August 25th

Well…running a little early today with wanting to get out on the bike before F1 qualifying but it’s raining so that isn’t going to work today…damn….that puts my entire day off schedule and I don’t like it…oh, well…I guess I’ll watch soccer for now and go out at 10 instead…slept okay last night for a change but I am a little worn out today from my allergies…forgot to take something for them last night and I won’t do that again today…I am looking forward to trying my new riding gloves today to see if they are as comfortable as they seem….and to see if they can prevent calluses that I have on my left hand from riding…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I will have to do the bathroom today since it is getting a little iffy and I should clean the kitchen, too, but I’m not sure how much I’ll do with all of the soccer on this morning and then races later today…more later…

Starting to love news dump Fridays…

Well…I’ll go out on a limb here and say that the end is near for trump…and what has me thinking that is that the long time CFO of the trump organization, Allen Weisselberg, who was implicated on one of Michael Cohen’s tapes as being involved with the same two campaign finance felonies as Cohen, was granted immunity from prosecution in the Cohen case….and he has already been questioned by a grand jury. I’m really not sure if his immunity is limited to the Cohen case, but, even more than Cohen, Weisselberg knows where all the skeletons are buried and was in the middle of all of trump’s “miracle” recoveries when he was almost broke…and now, I’m sure the prosecutors at the SDNY have their own set of questions for Weissleberg since he was the CFO of the trump foundation when it was being used as a personal slush fund for the idiot trump and when it also funneled money to the trump campaign. So, we are so much closer to the trump crime family going down, finally, for their crimes….get the orange jump suits ready…it’s going to be an interesting day…impeach…

Can’t pardon state charges…

Well…as predictable as the sun rising, the idiot trump is already talking about pardoning Paul Manafort for the 8 felonies he was convicted of just Tuesday….you have to remember that traditionally the presidential pardon power has been used to right a wrong or to help someone who is really sorry for what they’ve done and additional punishment would not be the right thing to happen…but, as we can see with trump’s pardons so far, the power is being misused to reward trump’s buddies who broke the law and still proclaim their innocence, as if the law doesn’t apply to them. So, it was with more than a little smile on my face that I read that Mueller has been working with some state AG’s on a contingency plan to have Manafort tried in state courts that are beyond the reach of trump…and, I’m sure this contingency has been considered for everyone else that is under investigation in the trump/Russia conspiracy case. So, idiot boy, go ahead and pardon everyone that is part of your elections stealing scheme…it will just be more evidence of your obstruction and it will make it far easier to put you in jail…impeach…

What you never want to be….