Well….trump must have found his stash this morning and got up tweeting again…at 5:24 this morning he got started bitching that when he googled himself, he got 96% negative news returns…and it couldn’t be that he is a terrible person, an asshole, as it were, or that he hasn’t accomplished anything positive for the majority of the people in the US…nope, it has to be a giant conspiracy by every media company in the world to prevent his genius and brilliance from being accurately reported. It can’t be that he committed two felonies (so far) in ordering Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels, or it couldn’t be that he delivered a tax cut for the 1% and blew up the deficit so the repubs can go after SS and Medicare, or that he conspired with the Russians to steal the election, or that he ordered children ripped from their parents at the border and kept in cages, or that he daily shows how petty and small he is by refusing to acknowledge McCain’s service to the country, and on, and on, and on…hey donnie, show me one positive thing you have done that is based in reality not on fox news…I’ll give you a minute…tick tock….no? Can’t think of anything…yeah, no one else can either, you moron…geez, you sound like a toddler whining about wanting a second piece of cake…why don’t you just shut the hell up and resign already? Impeach….