Strange day…

Well….it was kind of a strange day today but I made a little cash so that was good…but the damn driver’s side door on the car froze shut so I had to climb in and over to get in the driver’s seat…and, at my age, that is not the easiest thing to do….and, it looks like I won’t be able to get it open until wed since it is too cold to use hot water to melt it…the car worked good in the snow today and I just can’t say enough about the tires…I hope the drive today was enough to make it start tomorrow but I will probably walk up to get the papers if I get them at all…might just go online for them tomorrow…

Trying to get caught up….

Well…still in hibernation mode so I thought I’d come back to do another of these to get the backlog down some….but, I’m not sure what to write about….the wind is blowing so hard and loud that I thought they were plowing the lot…and the poor Miata is sitting out there in the cold looking pretty forlorn…I am looking forward to the congress being back and the stupidity on the right starting again…and it has with another dishing expedition from a couple of right winger congresscritters..they now want all of the notes, memos, etc. having to do with the hypothetical trillion dollar coin that had been proposed to get around the debt ceiling hostage taking by the repubs….more money spent, more time wasted for nothing…but that is what the repubs do…they don’t give a damn about millions of unemployed not getting their benefits…but, they will spend millions for nothing….or to try to score political points…okay, that’s enough for now….more later…

It’s cold so there can’t be any global warming…

Well…it has been a day of hibernation with the cold and snow….the wind chill just hit 35 below and that crystallized something I read this morning in the Detroit news…it was actually a comment from some genius who was smugly declaring that there can’t be any global warming since the scientific ship that was studying climate change near Antarctica was stuck in the ice…and of course there shouldn’t be any ice since it is summer in the southern hemisphere. Hence, global warming is all a fraud…I think this just highlights how the right operates only on faith and made up “facts”….first, climate change is a set of changes that are taking place over time; not a single event like the bitter cold that we have here in GR today….to cherry pick “facts” as this idiot did, I could point out that the summer in Australia is the hottest on record…with temps over 125 degrees in places…so, of course the globe is getting hotter…these occurrences are just pieces in the puzzle of climate change…like the drought in California that we are seeing that will have some parts of the state run out of water next year….and the fact that there is so little ice at the north pole now that shipping companies are now plotting to run ships across it to save thousands of miles…so, let’s stop confusing weather with climate for a change…and start getting the facts straight…oh, that’s right, the right doesn’t believe in facts…geez…

December 6th

Well…it was just another day yesterday and I didn’t do much but watch football and soccer…and it was okay but a little boring…slept okay, too, but woke up this morning to a huge bruise on my right ankle…it took a while to figure out where it came from but then I remembered I got hit on the ankle by the cue ball shooting pool Friday…weird….got up this morning to about a foot of snow on the car and 25 below zero wind chills…the car started okay but I was not going to go out in shorts to clean it off….not much to do today…going to just hibernate and clean a little…going to be good all week and let the liver rest until Friday…just don’t need the calories…more later…

One more for today…

Well…have been trying to instill some discipline in myself over the past few days so I am going to try to keep up by doing at least one more of these today…one funny thing I wanted to comment on was some right wing tea party idiot out in Utah who has said he will be on a hunger strike until they rescind the court rulings that have made marriage equality the law of the land. The only thing I have to say is good luck with that…I wonder if we could encourage all the tea partiers to do the same thing all across the country…we could make them martyrs to their cause…and get rid of them at the same time…after all, these folks have more in common with the Taliban than the rest of the US. And, this is how stupid this idiot is…he wants to use the completely unconstitutional method of nullification where states don’t have to follow any federal laws they don’t like…even though this nonsense is forbidden by the very constitution they say they revere and want followed to the letter. I just shake my head when these idiots pop their heads up and point out their ignorance and stupidity….geez…

January 5th

Well…it was just another day yesterday and I didn’t get much done around here…I did finally vacuum the ice melter pellets that were spreading all over and cleaned my cook top but that was it…slept okay last night but I am still tired today and it was probably the cocktails…the Wings finally played a game last night and won it so that was okay…my elbow is still killing me and I’m not sure what to do about it….I have been resting it but that doesn’t seem to help…not much to do today…going to watch some soccer and finish the coffee…then decide what to do…will have to clean the car off so it will dry before the cold air comes in…not going to be as cold as last week so I may not have to do the plan b of keeping the car warm…..more later…

Noodling, noodling…

Well…have been reading a bunch of news all day but nothing is leaping out at me to comment on…I did read a little blurb about a repub who is running in the primary for US senate seat from one of the New England states and it was just refreshing…or maybe I should say astonishing what this idiot thinks is a plus for his campaign…he was convicted of beating his then wife, and then appealed the conviction all the way to the state supreme court since he didn’t believe that they should take anything a woman says in domestic violence situations as evidence….and then went on to denigrate the legal system and everyone else who dared to hold him responsible for his actions…and, this is what he thinks is his best trait: that he will do what he thinks is right no matter what anyone else thinks…and he just can’t get it that this not representing people but just being another stubborn, tea party ass who will just add to the dysfunction in congress. Just another instance where the repubs don’t believe that laws apply to them at all…but are really quick to impose government on anyone they don’t agree with…say, like all women…geez…

January 4th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but, as you can see, I just couldn’t get motivated to come back for another one…that should get better as congress comes back into session and the idiots on the right start to spew their nonsense again…I did win at pool for the first time in 6 weeks, so that was cool…but I didn’t do anything else the rest of the day except for a “Dexter” marathon since there was nothing good on regular tv….and, the Wings didn’t play so that wasn’t even an option….slept okay but was up at 5 or so…that will set up a nap for later in the day…did get a text from T that she was at the airport at 6 or so and she will be gone to the Bahamas for a week or so…or maybe two? Not sure how long…she got out of town at just the right time with the big cold coming Monday and Tuesday….not much to do today…going to get caught up here after I have coffee, and I should clean some but that will be about it…more later…

January 3rd

Well…it was a kind of nice day yesterday with lunch with T that was so much fun…and it was good to see her before she heads off to the Bahamas for a couple of weeks…it was so damn cold this morning that the car barely started and it is still 7 below right now at 9…might have to start using the plan b method of starting the car up for a while before I go to bed to get some heat in it overnight….especially for mon and tues when it is supposed to be even colder….slept okay last night but I am a little worn out since all I had to eat was the two enchiladas for lunch….back to thinking that nothing even sounds good and I feel so bloated that that compounds it…have already gained a bunch of weight from not riding the bike and I don’t like it….not much to do today…going out for pool maybe..but I’m still broke so that has less appeal….more later…

A little more sports…

Well…it was a sports day yesterday so I thought I’d do one of these about it….the Winter Classic with the Wings and Leafs was fun to watch but I can’t understand how the Wings keep losing in shootouts…one of the things that I saw during the game was that the conditions did not favor our style…we have a bunch of finesse players that really don’t play well when they have to change their game to allow for all of the snow on the ice…it was still fun to watch, though, but, I think the NHL is going overboard with outdoor games with there being something like 5 more this winter…they may be diluting the specialness of it. The other one I wanted to talk about is the Rose Bowl that State won with a defense performance that was pretty cool…and to win one for the first time in 26 years was cool, too…I was getting really tired of all of the writers saying how bad the Big 10 is and that they can’t play with the better conferences…now, if Michigan just get its act together and win one, that would be the icing on the cake…