Well…have been trying to instill some discipline in myself over the past few days so I am going to try to keep up by doing at least one more of these today…one funny thing I wanted to comment on was some right wing tea party idiot out in Utah who has said he will be on a hunger strike until they rescind the court rulings that have made marriage equality the law of the land. The only thing I have to say is good luck with that…I wonder if we could encourage all the tea partiers to do the same thing all across the country…we could make them martyrs to their cause…and get rid of them at the same time…after all, these folks have more in common with the Taliban than the rest of the US. And, this is how stupid this idiot is…he wants to use the completely unconstitutional method of nullification where states don’t have to follow any federal laws they don’t like…even though this nonsense is forbidden by the very constitution they say they revere and want followed to the letter. I just shake my head when these idiots pop their heads up and point out their ignorance and stupidity….geez…