The supreme court gets it wrong…again…

Well…I am continually exasperated by the blatant, christian leaning rulings that have come out of this supreme court…and the latest one, allowing all government meetings to be opened by christian prayers…without any consideration for those of us who are atheists, or for the first amendment for that matter…a very simple amendment that says that government will do nothing to establish a national religion or to interfere with the practice of religion. But, allowing christian prayers to the exclusion of all others IS establishing a preference for one religion over all others…something that the founders specifically warned against and something that this right wing court is doing it’s best to promote….and this latest ruling will dismantle the wall of separation between church and state that has been in force since the country was founded…and place the 30% of us who are atheists in the position of having religion shoved down our throats any time that we go to any public meeting of any governmental unit we may have to interact with…placing us in the way of unwanted scrutiny when we decide to not stand and pray with the majority…essentially forcing us to abide by the tenets of christianity or be outcasts in our own country…but, that is what the right always does…force people to abide by their interpretation of religion and country and using the levers of government to do it….worst court in my lifetime…geez…

May 6th

Well…running late today since I went over to Kos to do one first….it is teachers day and I wanted to comment on a couple of mine from my childhood….slept okay last night and with being good, feel okay today…didn’t get much accomplished yesterday but I did get the bike ride in and saw those two foxes that I am worried that the den is too close to the road…only about 20 yards off it and too close to people, too…I am waiting for them to come and clean the lot here so I can wash and wax the car for the trip Thursday…the dust from the vacuum truck will make that thing moot if I do it too soon…might have to wait until Thurs morning….not much to do today…going to start putting together the clothes I need for the weekend but that is about it….more later….

Wildlife galore…

Well…I know the few of you that still come here everyday are expecting political stuff but, if you’ve ever tried to write on a daily basis, you know that there are times that it just doesn’t come…so, it’s a little bit of trail wildlife today. It started out in the first pond along the e-way where there were 3 or 4 muskrats swimming across the pond to the other side…..then a group of 20-30 turkeys just sauntered across the trail about another mile or so in…then, on 60th street, no more than 20 yards from the street there were two red fox kits just sitting on top of their den like they had no care in the world…took a picture of that one since it is so rare to see….then the normal contingent of deer an other assorted stuff finished off the day. It was a good day for wildlife…just not for politics…oh, well…

May 5th

Well…running late today and I just don’t have any motivation to get moving…I think part of it is that I don’t really have anything to do so why do it fast?  Slept okay but, again, the allergies are killing me so that makes it hard to get going, too….other than lunch with T, it was just another normal Sunday with soccer and races in it and lots of vegging….going to try to do more today but I’m not sure why….not much to do today….going to work out and get the bike ride in before it rains but I hate having to wait for the temp to come up…it is May after all and it should be warmer…more later…

A better day…

Well…it’s been a better day today with getting a bike ride in without rain and making a steelhead filet for dinner…and I had a pleasant surprise when T texted to have a late lunch and it was fun to catch up, have beers, and laugh a lot…for some reason, I always feel better after lunch with her…and the steelhead was just caught a week ago so the flavor was great with just olive oil, salt, and pepper….but, I am still blocked with political stuff…I think part of it is just overload of outrage and the toxicity that comes with it…just haven’t wanted to wade back into the mire…maybe tomorrow if I can work on a way to talk about it without internalizing it….not sure how long I can go before this crap corrodes something important…

May 4th

Well…it was a different kind of day yesterday and I didn’t get much done but laundry…slept okay but feel a little worn out again today and I know it’s from not eating enough or allergies, or getting old…not sure which but it is sure a pain…at least it’s not raining so I can get a bike ride in as soon as I finish this and the second cup of coffee…..the wind is blowing like crazy but it’s from the north so that’s not bad….and I should do a full 15 mile run today….not much to do today…I am going to make a filet of steelhead today for lunch and then watch races the rest of the day and not much else…just don’t have any motivation right now…..more later….

Just some stuff…

Well…have been trying to think of something to write about…again…so I think I’ll just update and go from there…I did get out on the bike today but I just can’t understand how it starts raining every time I’m as far away as I can get…it rained so hard today that I couldn’t see at times and I was completely soaked and dripping when I got back…and I am starting to get a little miffed with the NWS and their radar since I checked it before I left and the closest rain was on the other side of the lake…and then it starts raining a half hour into the ride….and I know that rain doesn’t travel at 180 MPH….and, it was so cold that I couldn’t shift or pick the bike up to carry it back in here..oh, well….survived it and now it’s warm again…more later…

May 3rd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…didn’t get out to have lunch with T, though, so I was a little disappointed in that….but, with her working now, that is to be expected…slept okay last night and I feel okay today…still a little run down but I think it’s the allergies again…have been coughing and sneezing all morning and I am really tired of it….I guess I’ll see how bad it is going to be after the bike ride…haven’t been on the bike in two days with all of the rain and cold but I am getting out right now to get it done before Man U comes on at 10…it is going to be a sports day today with soccer, racing, and the Kentucky Derby on later today so that will keep me busy and not thinking today….more later…

May 2nd

Well….running a little late today and feel a little crappy…might be that I didn’t get the bike ride in yesterday or maybe that I had a couple of cocktails…not sure which but I know the allergies are a part of it….slept okay but I am exhausted again today so I guess I need to eat more…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…got sucked into watching a movie…finally watched Gravity on my son’s server and it was okay…some of it was pretty far-fetched but the effects were cool…not sure if it should have been Oscar nominated but I feel that way about American Hustle, too….not much to do today…need to wait for the temp to come up to get on the bike and then out to lunch with T and then out for pool….that will probably take most of the energy I have for the day so that will be it…more later…

I want to move to Canada…

Well…the news coming out of this country over the past few years has reached a point for me where I’m not sure it can be saved…the crazy asses on the right have ruined this once great country with their violent, hate filled lives that have spilled over into everything…the latest was this guy from Minnesota who had his house broken into once and decided he was going to kill the next people who did it…hid his car, loaded up three guns, started the video and hid in his basement waiting for it to happen again…oh, left his house unlocked, too…okay, I know, I have no sympathy for people that break the law but when did burglary become a death sentence? The incident unfolded with a 15 year old boy and girl breaking into  his house, looking around and going down into the basement where the homeowner was waiting…the unarmed 15 year old went down the stairs and this guy shot him 6 times in the chest…and while he was dying, shot him in the head to make sure…then, the girl came down the stairs and this idiot shot her in the chest another six times…but since she was not dying fast enough, he put a gun under her chin and executed her….laughing all the time with glee. Then the guy calls the cops fully expecting to be treated like a hero but was arrested for first degree murder and the tapes show he couldn’t understand why…he thought it was just fine to kill anyone who he thought should be…after all, Zimmerman chased down Trayvon Martin, shot him and got away with it. The worst part is that after this guy was convicted, Sean Hannity went on his show today with nothing but support for this murderer….when does this crap start to have consequences for him? When does his support of crazies in Utah arming themselves and threatening federal agents have consequences? I’ve had enough of this gun and death fetish crap here…I think the UN should issue a travel warning about tourists coming to the US…when the dollars stop flowing, the NRA will be pushed aside by business and maybe some sanity will be restored…still want to move to Canada….geez…