Well…I know the few of you that still come here everyday are expecting political stuff but, if you’ve ever tried to write on a daily basis, you know that there are times that it just doesn’t come…so, it’s a little bit of trail wildlife today. It started out in the first pond along the e-way where there were 3 or 4 muskrats swimming across the pond to the other side…..then a group of 20-30 turkeys just sauntered across the trail about another mile or so in…then, on 60th street, no more than 20 yards from the street there were two red fox kits just sitting on top of their den like they had no care in the world…took a picture of that one since it is so rare to see….then the normal contingent of deer an other assorted stuff finished off the day. It was a good day for wildlife…just not for politics…oh, well…