Tag Archives: life

September 28th

Well…it’s strange how 5 o’clock has a different feel than 6 or 8…the exterior noise from M-6 hasn’t ramped up to where it becomes overwhelming and the construction equipment hasn’t started beeping and banging yet. Stayed in last night since G had a long day at work and hasn’t been feeling well so she needed a night off…which was really okay since I saved some cash and rested the liver. Don’t know if I’m coming down with something but I have been really worn out over the past few days…It could be that I’m back in the cycle of not eating enough but I think part of it is still not getting enough good sleep…I can remember what sleep is like but can’t remember the last time I didn’t toss and turn all night….

Not much to do today…as always…I need to try to spread the few things that I have to do out longer than 6 am…more later…

September 27th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday…didn’t do too much…watched the Lions lose again and then out to Vinnies for a couple of beers with C…but took it easy so I feel okay today. It looks like kind of a boring week, again, but the weather looks like it’s going to be okay so I won’t have any days off from riding…oh, I did make it 1700 miles yesterday which is my record from last year and I have about 2 months to get to the goal of 2000 miles….might even make 2500 if I work at it but I’m not sure if I can do it..we’ll see. Yep, boring life, but you guys know that already….I’ll try to make it more interesting…but that takes money and I really don’t want to spend too much cash right now…I do want to go out today and find the new Neil Young album, though…so that is something to look forward to…more later…

I will have some topics for later today but you know I take Sundays off usually so I hope you’re not disappointed..

September 26th

Well…the day didn’t work out as I expected yesterday…G didn’t feel well so I stayed home last night and just took it easy…got started pretty early today…got the slow cooker started at 6 am since I was up and bored…I may be going out to watch the Wings game later on but who knows? Not much else to do today…I might get a couple of posts out today but I’m not sure about it…I am just so disappointed with the political life in the US that I can’t muster up the energy to comment much right now…

The F1 race from Singapore is coming on tv in a few minutes so I’m gong to get a cup of coffee, read a little more online, and then settle in to watch the race….but the problem with F1 is that there is very little real racing or passing that goes on so it lends itself to doing other things while you just listen. I do want to take the bike out later this morning to burn of some of the caffeine but we’re getting to that time of the year where you have to wait for the temp to come up some…not going to wear gloves yet…more later…

September 25th

Well…kind of a fun night last night…started out with HH with K but then since G was bored, she came out to hang for awhile, too, and we got to keep the shot glasses that we had our deer tequila in. Later, the Wings won their game against the Hawks and I was mistaken since Hank, Pavel, and Nick played when I thought they were going to be held out. I had to get into the chips and dip which are basically pure fat and I felt really guilty, along with being just so puffy from all of the salt that I’ll have to drink about 20 glasses of water to get rid of it all.

I have things to do today! There is F1 qualifying at 10, then the Michigan game, then a party out a K’s ( a different K) later on in the evening with G so it’s going to be fun…and there is a Top Gear marathon on BBC that will fill in the holes all day….and tomorrow, it’s Art Prize with G and K then the Wings game at 5 so I’m going to need some rest Monday…more later…

September 24th

Well…another night of really crappy sleep had me up watching “Three’s Company” re-runs at 3:30 this morning waiting for the storms to come…I can’t believe it’s 80 degrees at 7 am, in the end of September but I’m not going to complain when all of us who live in Michigan know what’s ahead if us…I hope the predictions are right, that the winter will be drier and warmer than normal and the old Mazda will get through one more. Did go out for a while last night to OT and had a couple of beers with C and D…but took it easy so I feel pretty good even with being up and down all night. Need to get out to the coffee shop early today since the F1 practice is on at 9:30 instead of the normal 8 am and with the rain coming, I won’t be able to ride until later in the aft. Or maybe just take the day off since I have HH with K later and then might have C coming over to watch the Wings game since he doesn’t get the NHL Network. have to pick up the traditional chips and dip just in case that happens. So, a little bit to do today and I really should get doing it….more later….

September 23rd

Well…a weird day yesterday…the computer took a dump in the afternoon and I was lucky to have my home grown IT department available…and it was good to see my son and just talk for a couple of hours….and then a long phone conversation with G reminded me of other times and made me smile a little. Crappy sleep last night, though, up at 4:30 again this morning and I feel fortunate that I don’t have to go to work today…gonna run out of steam around noon. Not much else to do today…want to finish the last book from the bag o books that T gave me to read so I can get another one…that has been helping me pass the time and it is good to see other peoples style…may even steal some if it really grabs me…

I just don’t like the summer being gone…looking out my slider, I can see the yellows, reds, and browns of fall starting to dominate the view and the trails are starting to be covered by the falling leaves. I’m not going use these changes as a metaphor for life and the passage of time related to my own aging….that’s just too cute and I’m certainly not cute….I do have a couple of topics for later today…one is on Christopher Hitchens if I can make sense of the jumble in my head…and the big target…the repubs “Pledge to America” or contract ON America and the middle class…

September 22nd

Well…did the Ada thing yesterday since the Wings start playing tonight…won at pool and made a shot that Tom and I have been trying without success for maybe 35 years…I think I almost pulled something celebrating….Lost my outdoor table in the storm last night…it took off when the wind was blowing about 50…I’ll have to walk down the back of the place to see if I can find it later…feel kind of crappy today but I think it might be a bug this time…so I think I’ll take it easy for a while and see…more later…

September 21st

Well…had a fun night last night out with G but I think I’m losing my mind again..have to remember to not get into political arguments here in west Michigan since I really don’t fit here…that’s two days in a row I’ve lost it and I don’t feel good about it. But, that’s gone now so let’s try again today to do better…that could be a new motto for everyone…let’s try to do better today. Had to move Wed out with Tom to today since the Wings preseason games start Wed night and it has been a tradition for the last 10 years or so to watch it over at OT with what little of the group that is left.

Not much else to do today…the dish has been screwy since Sat so I have a repair person coming some time today so I’ll have to hang around here most of the day…after going out for coffee and newspapers that is…more later…

September 20th

Well..up late last night..got sucked in by a running of “Leaving Las Vegas” that didn’t start until after 11…I remembered it as a better movie from the last time I saw it but I think the context of my life was different then and may have led to identifying with it more in the past. Had a weird SF yesterday…was just out of sorts and got in an argument watching the Lions game….I argued that Michael Vick’s resurrection from dog-torturing felon to hero on the football field was just not right; that he shouldn’t have gotten another chance to make millions and go back to the pampered, privileged life that athletes live…the problem was that that my vehemence was out of character…I do feel that people can and should re-take their place in society when they have paid what the society has said is their debt…that they shouldn’t have to wear the scarlet A forever. Oh, well…another failing in the large group of them that make up my life.

On a lighter note…not much to do today…yay, I’ll bet you didn’t think I’d say that today…have to get groceries and take the bike tire back to have it fixed again…and maybe out with G later but who knows…I did get a post out earlier so look down to the next one…I may even have a couple more later in the day…just saw that the Washington Post has a contest for their next great pundit and I have to go back through the 350 of so posts that I have so far to find the right one to submit…no hope whatsoever of being chosen but it will give me something to do…more later…

September 19th

Well…it’s my daughter’s birthday today so I’ll have to remember to text her at some point this morning…but also have to remember that it is an hour earlier in Chicago so I think I’ll wait a while…geez…why do the teams I follow have to give me a damn heart attack every time I watch them? Michigan State went down to the last play in overtime (yeah, I know, if they win it’s always on the last play in overtime) but it was kind of neat to see a trick play win it…I like to see creativity from these coaches and taking some risks.

Not much to do today…are you getting tired of me saying that? I’ll try to use some new phrases and see how that works out…I could say that I have lots to do compared to nothing…or I could just lie and say I have the busiest day in my life…do you even care? Sometimes I don’t even care….might have a short Sunday Funday out to Vinnie’s to watch part of the Lions game but why watch when you can predict what is going to happen…the Eagles will take the first series and move the length of the field for a touchdown…then, the Lions will go three and out or throw an interception that will be returned for a touchdown…making it at least 14-0 in the first quarter. Then, it goes downhill from there….

I’m still irritated about having two flats on the bike in two days…and it is a pain to have it sitting here with no back tire when I wanted to take a ride today..oh, well…