Tag Archives: life

September 10th

Well….a strange start to the day…sorry I’m late but I have been musing on a few things that still haven’t really formed but there are a couple of things that I want to share….if I wouldn’t have been axed at SC, today would have been 34 years….don’t really think about it much anymore but when the anniversary comes, a flash always comes about how things would have been so different if it wouldn’t have happened. But, I feel good today, three days of being a good boy have made me feel quite a bit better and I am looking forward to working out for a fifth day in a row and then getting on the bike to enjoy this extremely crisp, clear day that is really starting to look like fall here in Michigan. My heart sank when I heard from T this morning telling me she had been rear-ended taking her son to school…just glad they weren’t hurt but why can’t people just drive and do it right? I’m a professional speeder and somewhat assertive on the road but haven’t had a ticket or accident that I caused since 74…and it is because I pay attention for everyone else along with myself….I wish the rest of the people on the road would do the same. I’m sure I’ll have more later today since I seem to becoming more lucid as the effects of taking it easy grow daily…

Oh, did the math wrong…it would be 36 years today…

September 9th

Well…an interesting day yesterday…had a great lunch with T and then out to Ada and won at pool, again. I was a little flummoxed and out of sorts (thanks for the neat word T) out in Ada, though, and I think part of it was the lack of sleep with being up and down all night. And, last night was a repeat of Tues night so I’m pretty exhausted today. At least I was a good boy and took it easy…maybe it’s my body adjusting to the changes…who knows. Today is another try with the new slow cooker…going to make some pork loin chops with potatoes and carrots…and I may add some portabellos to the mix but I decide that when I go to the grocery store this morning. so…that’s the plan for this morning…not much else to do today…meeting up with C for a beer or two later so that is something to look forward to….more later…yeah, I know, I promised that yesterday, too, but the early one kind of made up for it, didn’t it? Hope so…I will try to get more out today so come on back….

September 8th

Well…was up early this morning as you can see from the previous post and don’t feel too bad…maybe there is something to be said for taking a day off from beer and trying to sleep without any aids. I do have this weird heartburn that started last night and continues this morning but that may be from the acid rich foods that I had yesterday and the fact that I’m still not eating enough. You’d never think that to look at me….still carrying about 10 pounds too much but I guess I’ll have to live with it. It might be a fun day today…T might be able to go to lunch and I haven’t seen her in a while so that would be nice. And, as you know, it’s Wed and that means out to Ada for pool later….

I think there may be more topics for later, too, but you know that depends on how the news hits me when I go out for coffee…I’m going to try….

It’s those changes again….

Well…it’s been a weird morning…decided to go out to GH to see the waves and even wanted to go swimming but the temp of Lake Michigan has dropped about 10 degrees and it just wasn’t worth it. The Moday funday yesterday was a somewhat melancholy affair, at least for me, because it marked the acceleration of the changes that will shortly take us quickly into the fall. I do like autumn but it is much easier for me to lie to myself that I’m not getting older, that time is not passing when all of the days seem the same. I could see the first small markers of that change in some of the leaves that I saw turning on the bike ride and lining the road to GH. The problem is, you can’t do anything about it; but it is still hard to accept, especially when you know your are closer to the end than the beginning. I guess I’ll just have to try to ignore it again….but that never works….maybe just revel in the melancholy, let it have me for a couple of days and then get up and go forward…..

September 7th

Well…there was Monday Funday yesterday to celebrate (or mourn) the end of summer…had fun at Logan’s and was a good boy when I got home so I feel okay today…there was a huge traffic jam on 131 coming home because of an accident so it took me almost a half hour to go 13 miles….I don’t understand why people can’t just drive past a wreck….there was one open lane and no one could drive past it faster than 5…not a lot to do today, hope to get back on the bike since I gave my legs a rest yesterday and they do feel better; not sore at all but I’ll take it easy anyway….I will have some topics later, I hope,….more later…

September 6th

Well…had to take yesterday off for a recovery day but was bad again last night so we’re back on the recovery today….but I am going to go out and get coffee and read the papers…so I’ll try to get something topical out later today…might have a Monday Funday later since it is a holiday…..more later…

September 5th

Yeah, I know, I’m late this morning…had way too much fun yesterday and Michigan won,,,yay! Started out the aft at Peppino’s downtown but 7 dollar draft beers? So, we moved over to OT for the rest of the game but didn’t watch much of it since we were playing shuffleboard and, of course, K and I won both games we played…that gets us to 23-2 when we play together. It was nice to have a few of the group back together if even just for the day. I’m debating with myself whether to go out for a bike ride but I probably will if just to get the toxins out. No sprints today, just a cruise.

Oh, a one last thing, I did buy a slow cooker yesterday and made some chicken, potatoes, carrots, and corn on the cob…well..don’t want to cook any other way….some of the best, most tender chicken I can remember….can’t wait to have the leftovers today….

September 4th

Well…another boring night at home but feel okay today…the change in the weather has been a little surprising but at least it’s not raining anymore. I DO have something to do today…yay! Going out to watch the Michigan game against Uconn and it looks like there will be a few of us at Peppino’s downtown. Had to look all over this place for my gear but found the shirt and need to de-wrinkle it so I don’t look too sloppy. I think I’m going out to get a slow cooker today and maybe cook some chicken, potatoes, and corn….should be yummy…more later…

I DO have to wish two of my sons happy birthday today…yep, two of them born on the same day 3 years apart…but the even weirder thing is that my oldest brother and I were born on the same day 13 years apart….match that one…

September 3rd

Well…another night out, another day of feeling crappy…but I had fun so I guess it was worth it. And the Lions won…which was weird because when I left OT, they were behind. Looks like everyone is going to be out of town for the holiday so it’s going to be a low key weekend. Michigan plays Sat so that will be something to look forward to. I did promise to get a couple of posts out today and I’m going to try to keep it…but I feel worse today than yesterday so who knows…more later…

September 2nd

Well…did win at pool last night and had a lot of fun but feel a little crappy today…have to do the grocery shopping today but don’t feel like it…maybe I’ll put it off until tomorrow….but then I won’t have any food to eat and I am trying keep my no fast food streak alive….no other plans for the day…more later…

Still feel like crap and it’s one in the aft….but I did get the grocery shopping done and it’s nice to have food in the place…that might be part of the reason I still feel bad…having a hard time getting enough food since nothing really tastes good any more…guess it’s just a phase…at least I hope so. I almost forgot this was a holiday weekend since they are all the same to someone who is not working….did finish the third book from T and need to start a new one today. Probably more later….

Just got back from the bike ride and got soaked but it wasn’t bad because it’s still warm enough…starting to feel human again but still not right…not sure what to do about it….probably just have some more ice water and take it easy for the rest of the day…

Oh, not sure if I’ll have another one today…nothing jumped out at me when I was reading the papers and the brain is still fuzzy anyway…but I’ll promise that I’ll get my butt in gear tomorrow and give you at least two, if not three…..