Tag Archives: life

September 1st

Well…Here we go for another month and I hope that it will be better than the last…not really better since I can’t remember a nicer August and more trips to the beach..but that is going to change later in the week when the highs are going to only be in the 60′s. But with the coolness comes the fist Michigan game this sat and I am curious to see what the team is like this year. Not much to do today…have to get back into the fitness routine since I took the day off yesterday; I thought playing in the waves was a close approximation to the calorie burn from riding the bike so I didn’t ride…okay, let me delude myself so the guilt doesn’t come back. Might have a trip to Ada later but with Tom working now, I’m not sure….more later…

A last one for August…

Well…it’s been a pretty good August except no responses to any resumes…and that is kind of disheartening since I’m slowly going broke and I could use a job…but it is what it is and I’ll just have to figure out how to deal with it. It was really a busy day today, for me anyway…with the beach trip, to the coffee shop, drinks with K, and the a call from two of the kids….good to hear that things are going well for those two. I just finished watching “the Book of Eli” from Netflix and it was a pretty good small movie; the type that I enjoy. At least all the activity kept the boredom at bay and all I have to do is get through the next 3 hours and it will be bed time….

Hmmm….just wanted to put a cap on the summer….no more later.

August 31st

Well…last day of August and I am debating with myself what to do…I think I’ll take this day to celebrate the end of summer and go to GH… it’s supposed to be almost 90 today and then the weather starts to get crappy…down in the 60′s for highs Friday and Saturday…good for college football, though, and I’m looking forward to the start of the season…so, there won’t be another of these until later…but I’m supposed to have drinks with K later so it may not be until really later in the aft…talk amongst yourselves for a while….more later…

August 30th

Well…I’m going to get to the placekeeper later this morning but right now I’m going to read the news to look for topics that I can talk about this afternoon. Not much going on today…running a little late this morning for some reason, just can’t get started moving or thinking….so I’ll end here right now…were shooting for the record on monthly posts today so there will be at least three…more later…

August 29th

Well…it was a pretty good day yesterday but didn’t do a lot…did take the bike out to the car show on 28th street and that was fun…the computer on my bike failed, though, and I had to reset it losing the 1364 miles I’ve ridden so far this summer but that happened last year, too, so I’m not surprised. What about today…hmmm…just watched the F1 race from Spa and now I’m debating with myself whether to ride today or not…my legs have been really dead the past couple of days and could use the day off…but it’s so nice outside with no wind that I want to go. Okay…arguing with myself…is that a sign I’m going more crazy than normal? Probably, but there is no one else to argue with. Topics? Yep, have a couple but I don’t know when I’ll get to them…so, you’ll have to come back later…

Oh, not sure about Sunday Funday yet since K doesn’t get back from Cali until later in the day…but I’m supposed to meet up with C if he gets back into town…we’ll see…

August 28th

Well…it’s damn loud here this morning with the church behind me having some event that has had music blaring since 6:45 am….how do they get away with this stuff? It will be another day where I won’t be able to open my windows because of that crap. Yeah, I’m a little crabby this morning since I love to let the morning air in and cool this place off and now I can’t even hear my tv it’s so loud. Why don’t noise ordinances apply to churches? Another instance where religious people don’t give a damn about anyone except their particular group of followers. So, they get to have their event and I have to leave my place for the day since it is so loud. I don’t know if there will be more later…oh, might have to comment on the conversion of DC to Glen Beckistan today…

August 27th

Well…took it a little easier last night and feel better today…I think the allergies are flaring up again and it could be the reason I’ve been quite tired lately…or the not sleeping but I should be used to that by now. Not much to do today except groceries…have to get something different to eat…way too much pork loin this week since it was on sale last week and the veggies are coming out of my ears…I think I may have to get some fast food since it’s been a couple of weeks since I last had some…maybe Taco Bell…Oh, I may have lunch with T today if it works out and that would be fun to start the weekend. I should have some topics later today or I’ll continue with the afternoon portion of the boring day in the life of me…more later…

Can’t work up any outrage…

Well…don’t know if it’s the day out yesterday or just my general malaise but I can’t get any outrage working today…read 4 papers at the coffee shop and another 4 online and there just aren’t any topics that have piqued my interest. Or, I’m just tired of being outraged…I’m not sure. So, I don’t know if you know what an unemployed 57 year old’s day looks like, and you probably don’t care but it’s that or nothing…okay, I hear you all saying “NOTHING” but I’m not listening so here goes.

Hmmm…usually up by 6-6:12, a habit that still hangs on after doing it for so many years even though the batteries have been dead in my alarm clock for a couple of years. Then, I turn on the computer and the rest of the equipment and check the e-mail before I hit the couch to continue to wake up which usually takes until about 7 or so. The New York Times online is next followed by the Washington Post and Post Politics to get a read on what the topic of the day is going to be. The first post usually comes next so you guys will have something to read when you get into work. Sending out the two e-mails that I send every morning comes next and, by that time, it’s about 8 or so and time to get cleaned up and get ready for the Kava House that is just around the corner. 4 papers and a medium house coffee keeps me busy for the next hour or so then back here to read the responses to the e-mails if they are there. Bored Yet? You probably should be. Then, it’s an hour on the weight machine to try to stay in shape and get warmed up for the bike ride that usually goes from 12 to 30 miles and gets me to around lunch. Okay, I know you’re bored so I’ll stop here….more later…

August 26th

Well…Tom’s starting a new job today so yesterday’s trip out to Ada had a little more whiskey than normal…as always, I feel like crap today and have been up since about 4…not going to do much today except the normal stuff…I did pickle some of the crops a couple of days ago….tried some green beans and they came out great…along with the zucchini, things you never see pickled. I am going to try some asparagus over the weekend…yep, as you can see, I’m a little bored so I have to amuse myself…and I do that quite regularly…more later….

August 25th

Well…this one is going to be short since I really don’t have a lot to say right now…looks like a normal day for a Wednesday…out to Ada later for pool and beer with the normal workout this morning….I will promise that there will be some topical stuff later this morning or early afternoon…I am still quite elated with my son’s news but that is tempered by the overeating from yesterday that I feel guilty about…yep, I have a well developed sense of guilt about almost everything that I do…more later…