Tag Archives: life

have some topics today…

Well…have a couple of things to talk about today! Yay…it’s been a long week and I need to take today off except for grocery shopping and then send out a bunch of resumes…the topics of the day will include Michael Bloomberg and the ruling from judge Vaughn Walker on Prop 8 out in Cali….no outrage but again a glimmer of hope for us reasonables…it is really heartening that some people are pushing back at the haters and acting like adults…more later…

August 4th

Well…no aurora last night and I’m a little disappointed…it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a good display…oh, well….it’s going to be three days in a row with today’s run out to Ada and I’m feeling it…may have to take it a little easy and I know I’m taking tomorrow off…just getting too old to keep up this pace…there were some interesting things that happened in yesterday’s election that I’ll comment on later…I’m just glad that Pete Hoekstra didn’t win the repub nomination….but Ving Bonero for the dems? weird….

August 3rd part two…

Well…it was a fun day but no fishes to eat so that is kind of a letdown…but okay…got to see some of the places I haunted as a kid and the old idea is true…it seemed so much smaller than I remembered….lost at pool but it was a short competition so I don’t feel too bad…I usually start slow and then win a lot..no politics in the post today since I am waiting for the results of the primaries from today…sorry that I haven’t been writing enough lately but I felt the need to get out of this place and live some life on the outside..Hope you keep coming back to read a little of this stuff…but you know I’m not too consistent but I am human and I have my failings…hmmm….

August 3rd

Well…a long night with G so, as always, I feel a little crappy today but better since I got up…going fishing with Tom this morning…well at noon since I have to get prepped with bait and a few other supplies..like whiskey and some more hooks because I lost quite a few in the snags on the Grand last time out. Hope to bring a few fish home this time and have them for dinner. Not much else today but I will be back with another post later, maybe on politics but I’m not sure yet…could just be fish stories…who knows?

August 2nd

Well…started the birthday celebration for the twins yesterday and I am a little worn out today…I think it’s going to continue early this aft so I better get some coffee and a workout in as soon as possible….that will probably be the only thing going on today but who knows? For the first time in a long time my back is killing me today and the pain is down my legs making it really hard to just sit and write this so I’m going to end here…more later….

August 1st

Yeah, I know…I didn’t come back yesterday but I was still recovering from Thurs night and really had no energy…plus my head felt like mush and I wasn’t thinking too clearly. So, it was probably a good idea that I didn’t write more and just bore you to death…well, I probably do that every day but please let me keep my illusions. Not much to do today, (where have you heard that before?) Still taking care of C’s house and I did get a text from K yesterday so there may be a Sunday Funday today…that will be fun, haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks. Hmmm….the F1 race is starting so I’ll end here…more later…

July 31st

Well…I feel much better today and I will try…that is, try to get a couple of these out today…not a lot to do today but get the bike ride in and then over to take care of C’s house..had a really fun lunch with T yesterday and got a bag full of new books to read,,yay…so that will be on the agenda for today…got a copy of the hot new series “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” from her and I will update you what I think of it…not much else for now…but I will have more later…

July 30th

Well…that was a long night out (for me anyway) and I am worn out today…so, this one is going to be short until my brain clears out a little…looking forward to lunch with T today but I think that will be all I’ll do until later….I’m amazed at times at what I can do to myself and still survive it….water really tastes good this morning….more later…

Observations and musings….

Well…the cliff has seemed to have receded somewhat and that is a good thing, I think…there have been some things that I have noticed for a while that I thought I’d share…some of them may even be amusing…first, why is it that there are so many women running these days? When I’m out on the trail, the runners that I see are mostly women but the bikers are mostly men…I know I stopped running because it hurts like crazy and I was always fighting an injury of some sort ranging from achilles tendon swelling to shin splints…I also know that I love the mechanics of the bike; the shifting, coasting, leaning, and sprinting…and all of that without pain…I know, what does this have to do with anything? Well…nothing, really, just an observation…I thought you might like to read something that has no outrage, that shows that I’m not really that pissed all the time..or maybe you don’t care..that’s okay, too…

Oh….the attack bunnies are out again…I think they are trying to distract me; have me fall off the bike so they can then swarm over me and do who knows what….it almost worked today…they’ve gotten smarter and have started to run 3 or more at a time so I can barely miss them…I almost want to stay home since the danger is so great….see….made you smile for a change…

One last thing…saw two Segways out on the trail today….kind of a weirdness to me but maybe not to you…

July 29th

Well…out to Ada again yesterday..won the night in pool and feel like crap today..oh, well…I knew that was going to happen so I’ll live with it…not too much to do today and that is probably good…just not too motivated to even do this right now but I know it will get better as the day goes on…more later…