Tag Archives: life

May 2nd, part two…

Okay…maybe having three cups of coffee on Sunday morning is not that good of an idea…kind of vibrating as I wait for the sun to come out so I can get out on the bike and burn off some of the caffeine. One of the things that has recently made a spot in my brain is the fact that I am now the age my father was when he died. Did he think about the same things that I do now? Never really knew who he was since I grew up in a time where there just was not a lot of depth to relationships in general; even familial ones.

I’ll talk more about that at some later date…hey, that’s a little onion peeling don’t you think? I’ll score that as some revelation….even though there’s not much there.

What’s the rest of day going to be like? Hmmmmm…of course, Pink Floyd for the ride then probably just try to clean this place up a bit, it’s a small place but haven’t had any motivation lately…then out for the game later; maybe sit in the sun for a while…I know, tough day…;-))

Oh, topic for later…I will probably get into how I feel about my age and health and what it means to be getting older…

May 1st

Well…it’s Saturday and I’ve gotten all of the things I wanted to do done…but the goals were not too ambitious so I should probably stop feeling good about it. I do have at least one musing that I need to pass on; this came from a conversation I had with a friend of mine (thanks C)…and it’s about an observation that I made a month or so ago. That was one of the first times that I walked into a bar (you can substitute a coffee shop or any other place that contain women as part of the population) and not one head turned to look at me. Not one. I’m no great shakes in the looks department but I’ve had my share of attention in my day. It made me want to jump up and down like an idiot just to see if it was a convention of blind people…no such luck since it appeared that other people were being observed. Even the completely average looking guy that walked in behind me got at least a couple of women to look at him. But he was in his 20′s so that may have made a difference, or maybe not, I don’t know. I do know that it has started to happen to some of my younger friends, too, I wonder if it is contagious? Is there a vaccine?

So, I guess my next move is to figure out how to use my newfound invisibility for the public good…like some kind of superhero….
I’ll keep you updated as this disease develops…;-)

Trying to figure it out

Well…this is the first post in the section that I plan to share some of the thoughts I have about life, friends, and the other things that are a part of living; but I am still trying to figure out how much to share; I think musing will be fair game along with some of the weird stuff that I see while I navigate through life. After all, I have seen a lot of it and, as my friends and family know, I’ve always been skewed 45 degrees off the rest of the people in the world. I’d like send my thanks out to T who helped me become proud of that fact….

Happy 4/20!