Serves you right, Indiana…

Well…after the idiot governor, Pence, went on the Sunday shows a lied his ass off about the new “license to discriminate” law that he signed, the fallout continues….a major union just pulled their conference out of Indianapolis…Angie’s list just stopped an expansion that they had planned and many states have forbidden their people from any travel for state business to Indiana….and this idiot continues to double down on his lies along with attacking the media for their “sensationalism” in their reporting. Now Mike, ole buddy…it’s not sensationalizing when they truthfully report that you won’t say that this law will lead to discrimination…when you know for a fact that it is the sole purpose of this law…and you were asked pointedly about just that fact and you wouldn’t answer that simple yes or no question. So, citizens of Indiana…it serves you right to have this attention on your state…you elected these asses….geez…

March 30th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but a long night last night so I am feeling it a little this morning…slept okay but no dreams again so that is disappointing….it was a good sports day but I didn’t get anything done around here…the bathroom needs some work and the cobwebs and dust are piling up so I do need to get on that sometime…not sure if that will be today or not but I am going to try to do some of it anyway….not sore at all today so it will be a workout and bike ride day to get back in the groove and feel better…it’s been a week since I’ve been on the bike and I need to get going to make the goal for the year…not much to do today….I am going to clean…maybe….but that is about it….more later…

Sports again….

Well…it has been a lazy day today and I haven’t done anything but watch sports so I thought I’d talk about that to get caught up….it was a pretty cool game that put State into the final four but I will admit that I didn’t watch the whole thing…just too nerve wracking when they were behind so I kept switching over to one of the 3 races that were on at the same time….and then I forgot about the F1 race that I wanted to see so I’ll have to see if I can find another repeat…it was a little boring this week with no BPL soccer on but there were some games from Spain that were pretty cool….oh, the Wings played good last night but are getting pummeled right now so I stopped watching that one…..okay…that’s enough for now…unless I think about something else…but I probably won’t….only one behind now…

Mike Pence is an idiot…

Well…if you haven’t heard…this idiot governor signed into law a “license to discriminate”  last week in Indiana and, with the firestorm from across the country about this backward nonsense, ole Mike went on the Sunday shows this morning to try to explain that it wasn’t designed to do that….and had an epic fail on the whole thing…when asked bluntly if the law would allow people to discriminate against gays, this idiot just kept parroting “Hooisers don’t discriminate” ….yeah, right…don’t you read the news, you idiot? Just yesterday, a business owner went on the radio and told some right wing ass that he turned a gay couple away from his restaurant since it was his and he “could do anything he wanted with it”….and would do it again and again now that he is protected by law….this is what you signed, Pence….to all of the bigots that vote for you to be able to shout “religion” and be the jerks that most repubs are….geez…

March 29th

Well…running a little late today and there is a reason for it…was out with some of the old group last night and had a lot of fun which put me ahead of the curve on cocktails…so, I’m feeling it today and just want to take it easy…and I think I will since it is going to rain this aft so I won’t be able to get on the bike…that will wait until tomorrow…slept okay last night but was up early again….no dreams to speak of and that was a little disappointing given the sensory input that I had yesterday…..not really sore anymore so getting back on the bike should be okay tomorrow…not much to do today…it is going to be a sports day with basketball and racing on so I will be glued to the couch most of the day recovering…more later…

Just some stuff…

Well…it’s getting to the end of the month and I don’t really have much to say right now so I guess it is filler time….don’t like to do that but sometimes it is what it is….haven’t been on the bike since last week and I am starting to feel a little sluggish from it….but, I am still 100 miles ahead of last year when I didn’t get on the bike until the middle of April so I guess I shouldn’t feel bad about it….and the soreness is going away so I’ll take that….I am starting to get tired of the weather with no heat and it looking like it is going to snow tomorrow…how that is going to happen with it being 45 is a little confusing, though….I do need to wash the car but I’m not going to do that until they get the lots clean here…there are still piles of crap in the middle of the lot waiting for the sweeper to come pick it up…and, it’s going to rain so I guess I’ll just wait….okay…I think that should do it for filler…I may come back for another one later but it won’t be a filler if I do…more later…

March 28th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…and neither one of us put the 8 ball in the wrong pocket which is really odd…sitting here waiting for the car to thaw so I thought I’d get this one out while I wait….what the heck is with the 12 degrees it is outside? I mean it’s almost April and it’s still that cold? Oh, well…it is supposed to start warming up Sunday so I guess I can take a few more days….slept okay last night but didn’t get up until almost 7:30 since I stayed up as late as I could to watch State play…not sure if they won or not…let me go look…okay…looks like they won since they are scheduled to play Louisville Sunday….not much to do today…need to make a grocery run and then maybe out to see C and K later….more later…

March 27th

Well…running a little late today and it is just because I can’t get going today for some reason…I did sleep okay so that’s not it…oh, well….I’ll figure it out later…didn’t get  much done yesterday but I started the kitchen so that is something and I did get a few errands done so that is something else…haven’t been on the bike all week and that has been a good thing since my back has started to heal and my shoulder only hurts a little…probably won’t be back on it until Sunday since it is going to be damn cold for the next two days….not much to do today…pool, of course, but not much else…I do have some stuff to get done around here but I may wait til tomorrow to do it…more later…

Indiana goes back to the middle ages…

Well…I am always amazed how the “small government” conservatives always rail about the overreach of government until they are in control and they start using it to discriminate against those they don’t like. In Indiana today, the governor signed into law a bill that would allow anyone to discriminate against anyone just as long as it was done for religious reasons…yep, it is now legal to deny gays, blacks, Muslims, or anyone else you don’t like services from your business, in housing, or anything else if you just spout “religion” as you do it….never mind that it is still against federal law and the lawsuits will start flying tomorrow…these American Taliban just don’t care…they think the government can and should be used to push their version of religion on everyone else….I agree with Keith Olbermann today when he tweeted that the Final Four should be moved…today..out of Indianapolis and played anywhere…even if it’s in a parking lot in LA or any of the other states that are sane…I’ve had enough of religion in this country..go back to your churches where it belongs and nurse your delusions there…don’t force them on the rest of us….

I still don’t like the cops…

Well….another day, another egregious case of police brutality here in Michigan…on January 28th, cops in Inkster pulled over another black man and proceeded to beat him on the pretense that he “rolled through a stop sign” and then yelled at a cop that he was going to kill him. Little problem here….this man has never been in trouble in his life…not once…and is a 37 year employee of Ford with a perfect record there. The primary excuse of the cops was that he was in a “new car in a known drug area” and, sure enough, they found drugs on the guy…the only problem was the dashcam that showed one of the cops, who had been accused of planting drugs and guns on people before, taking the bag of drugs out of his pocket and slipping it into the suspect’s pocket as he was beating him. Oh, and the drug test done at the hospital showed nothing…not even aspirin in his system. One neat little fact is the cop, nicknamed “robocop” cost the city of Detroit millions of dollars in settlements for shooting unarmed people and other abuse while he was employed there….but, guess what? He’s still on the job, still collecting his pay, still abusing citizens and nothing is being done about it…this guy and everyone involved should be in jail….no wonder I still don’t like cops…and I’m an old white guy…geez…

What you never want to be….