Serves you right, Indiana…

Well…after the idiot governor, Pence, went on the Sunday shows a lied his ass off about the new “license to discriminate” law that he signed, the fallout continues….a major union just pulled their conference out of Indianapolis…Angie’s list just stopped an expansion that they had planned and many states have forbidden their people from any travel for state business to Indiana….and this idiot continues to double down on his lies along with attacking the media for their “sensationalism” in their reporting. Now Mike, ole buddy…it’s not sensationalizing when they truthfully report that you won’t say that this law will lead to discrimination…when you know for a fact that it is the sole purpose of this law…and you were asked pointedly about just that fact and you wouldn’t answer that simple yes or no question. So, citizens of Indiana…it serves you right to have this attention on your state…you elected these asses….geez…

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