Here’s another problem with the right…

Well…not sure if you watched the interview that Obama did with ole Billo before the SB, but I thought Obama did a good job at stabbing at the premise of Fox news and the fact that the “scandals” they report on are mostly only scandals since they are the ones pushing them as scandals. One of the inferences that has been made on Fox news for quite a while now is that Obama must have know what was going on in some IRS office in Cleveland and probably even was in on planning who was to get audited by that office…even though there is no paper trail or any person saying that he was…and, what president would have time for that? Then, of course, the right then goes on to complain that, if he didn’t know what was going on, he should resign since he is a bad president by not knowing. Got that logic? Okay, now let’s look at the reaction of the right to Christie’s shenanigans in NJ….and the theme that comes through all of the  right’s reaction is that of course he couldn’t have had anything to do with it…after all, he said he didn’t and that should be good enough for anyone…and how dare you question anything a repub does? So, Obama should resign for something some far-removed subordinate did but Christie should stay in office for something his inner circle did….yep, doesn’t make much sense but the right never does…they always feel that they can do whatever they want even if it is against the law, but if they even think in their fevered brains that a dem might have, could have, or thought about doing the same things, they should be lined up and shot…what must it be like to live in one of those fevered brains? Don’t want to find out….geez…

February 3rd

Well…sitting here waiting for the car to de-ice so I thought I’d get this one done while I wait…it was an okay day yesterday but a veg one…I did get the grout in my shower scrubbed so that was something…slept okay last night but I think it’s been a month since I had a dream and that is a little puzzling but not news….and the game was a total bust…pretty crappy but I did want Seattle to win so that was okay….need to get some more stuff done today but I’m not sure how much…don’t have much motivation so I think today will be a day of recovery and rest…and getting back to some real topics….more later…

A second one…

Well…it has been one of those days where I have been fighting the guilt of not doing much…I did scrub the grout in my shower since it had started to look really, really bad and I couldn’t stand looking at it, so I got out the brushes and the bleach and went to work…looks okay now but still needs some work…and the major guilt was really driven by frying some food earlier for lunch…made some homemade fries that will be fueling the guilt and loathing for the next couple of days…and, it smells in here and I don’t like that, either….so, now I have to skip dinner today after adding over 250 calories of pure fat for lunch…have been drinking a lot of water, too, to try to flush out the poison…yeah, I know that’s a little harsh but I have done so well for the past 10 years in not eating that stuff that it is hard when I fall off the frying wagon….so, now it’s almost time for the big game so I’m going to go watch some of the pre-game and then have a cocktail or two for the game…

February 2nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I did a total veg so today will have to be different…there are spiders in the bathroom again and it needs to be cleaned…so, I am going to try to get that done today….slept okay last night but still have a bug that is bothering me and I am tired of it…it seems I have been sick most of this winter…just low grade stuff but still annoying….I did get the chance to watch the movie “Flight” last night and I came away a little confused about what the point of it was…will still have to think about it…it looks like a good sports day today with Michigan, the Wings, and the super bowl on today…so, maybe I’ll clean the bathroom tomorrow? Not much to do today…going to have another cup of coffee and stare at the tv for a few the try to get on with the day…more later….

Seeing through a new lens…

Well…a thought came to me last night but I thought I’d wait til today to get it down, especially since it was a cocktail night and sometimes those ideas aren’t quite as good as they appear at the time. With being broke and unemployed for so long, I think I have almost forgotten that there are other lives out there…and that other people are happy, successful, and smiling…I seem to have fallen into the trap of seeing everything through the lens of my situation..which is really not too happy right now. I have forgotten how to smile, I think, and to understand that there could be better times ahead…not sure if there are, but could be…and I have to explore and understand this fact, to see life through a new lens that puts unemployment and lack of money in the back for a while…not sure how it will go but there’s nothing to lose to try it…might even be fun…

February 1st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I lost at pool but had fun so that was cool…and, it was a cocktail night last night so I feel a little crappy today but that’s okay…have already been out to get what groceries I needed and now I am hunkered down here for the day as the snow starts…supposed to get almost 8 inches today and I just don’t want to see it anymore…slept okay last night but I am sore almost everywhere and I can’t figure that out…both elbows especially so I guess I need to take something for it…not much to do today…I am going to clean today…maybe…but first I need to have my second cup of coffee and hit the couch for a while….more later…oh, I do have a second one for the day that came to me last night but I wanted to save it for this month…

Last one for the month…

Well…have a few minutes so I thought I’d get the last one for the month done before pool today so I won’t have to think about it…but, I’m not sure what to write about so it may be a little disjointed….I did want to comment on the whining, whining, whining that ole Mitt and his wife are doing about losing the election…my god, get over it! It was 15 months lost…but that doesn’t  stop them from continually trying to assert that the country would be better off with ole Mitt as president…and the 1% would be, of course, but the rest of the country? Not for a minute….man, what is it about the rich that makes them such whiners? Just go back to your 10 homes and car elevators and leave the rest of us alone…even when Al Gore had the election stolen by the supreme court, you didn’t hear him whine about it…he went on to other things and got on with his life…geez…

January 31st

Well…it was a long day yesterday but there wasn’t anything in particular that made it that way…maybe it just felt that way? Didn’t do much but clean a little and get rid of the papers and I think I’m finally over feeling guilty about it….slept okay last night but I know I’m down on calories for the day so I’m running a little low on energy…so, it’s a good thing that it’s Friday and I don’t have to work out today….it looks like another semi veg day today but there is pool so that will be something to look forward to…I think the clutch may be going hinky on the car again..felt a little weird going out for the papers this morning but maybe it’s just that it isn’t below zero…hope so…more later…

The republican response to their war on women…

Well…have just been reading about the new repub talking point that will try to distract voters from their war on women…a war that is clear from what they do, trying to restrict birth control access, trying insert the government into women’s healthcare decisions, and trying to charge women more for their insurance since they have “ladyparts” that are more complex than men’s parts and can cost their friends in the insurance industry more money for claims. But now, the new talking points are out and here is what they consist of: trying to say that the dems are really the ones who are pushing the war on women since Bill Clinton fooled around…yep…the false equivilency that they have been pushing in the media for years, that the haters and racists on the right are the same as the social justice folks on the left is now being rolled out to try to say that one man cheating is the same as an entire party who makes it their reason for being to restrict the rights of women. Just another bit of idiocy from one of the best idiots on the right, Rand Paul…I just can’t remember a more stupid thing to say in a long, long time…even with a bunch of these folks on the right trying hard to beat it every day…geez…

January 30th

Well…running early today and it is probably because I woke up really early…and there is nothing else to do until I go to the grocery store…a 15 minute window that I thought I’d use…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a start on the kitchen…need to finish it up today and get on the bathroom…probably should get on the leaning tower of papers but the snow piles are so high I may not be able to get to the recycling bin….slept okay last night even with another no cocktail night and I am really starting to enjoy having energy when I get up in the morning…and, for the first time since November, there is no snow on the car this morning…not even any frost but I’m still going to warm it up since it will frost over as soon as I get in it….not much to do today…I do need to clean and write some but that is about it….I do need to find some things to do to beat back the boredom….more later…

What you never want to be….