Well…running early today and it is probably because I woke up really early…and there is nothing else to do until I go to the grocery store…a 15 minute window that I thought I’d use…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a start on the kitchen…need to finish it up today and get on the bathroom…probably should get on the leaning tower of papers but the snow piles are so high I may not be able to get to the recycling bin….slept okay last night even with another no cocktail night and I am really starting to enjoy having energy when I get up in the morning…and, for the first time since November, there is no snow on the car this morning…not even any frost but I’m still going to warm it up since it will frost over as soon as I get in it….not much to do today…I do need to clean and write some but that is about it….I do need to find some things to do to beat back the boredom….more later…