How low can they go?

Well…every time I think that the repubs can’t sink any lower than candidates like Issa (the high school dropout/car thief/ arsonist) or Louie Gohmert (just plain nuts), they surprise me with digging the hole even deeper…and this time it is Louisiana that is holding the shovel…the news just made me laugh so hard that I really had to comment on it…their latest brainstorm for a candidate for congress from swampland is one of the stars of “Duck dynasty”, the A&E show about the duck call business run by the Robertsons…now, this guy may be successful due in no small part to the tv show, but is he qualified to…oh, that’s right…tea party folks are proud they are not qualified to be in congress and have no need to compromise or represent anyone..just their lame brained ideas of how the country works. Just another of the haters on the right who think that everyone should be able to inherit a business from their daddy and that makes them better than the rest of us….keep it up repubs…run them idiots…geez…

August 13th

Well…it was a kind of strange and depressive day yesterday with it raining almost all day…and it started raining after I was out about a mile on the bike and kept raining the whole way…but, it was warm enough with no lightning so I just kept going….and the bike survived another day of riding with the fiberglass holding up…slept okay last night and it was nice that it was a little cool but I think this is the coldest I can remember it being for such a long stretch in August…it is supposed to be 90 but today will only be around 70 for a high and tonight it will be in the 40′s…strange….not much to do today…more resumes, of course…and cleaning, cleaning….more later….

The stupid is even deeper than I thought..

Well…if you’ve seen any of these over the past few years, you know that at times I rail against the abject stupidity of many of those elected officials on the repub side…and, I thought I’d heard it all with the yahoo named Yoho from Florida who just knows that Obamacare is racist since it imposes a tax on tanning beds and whites are the only ones that use them…but, today we have ole Dana Rohrabacher from California who has just made the stupid pool quite a bit deeper with his comments at a town hall meeting this weekend…well…ole Dana started it up with one of the classics, that the “libruls” are conspiring with the UN using global warming to form a world government that will tell us what to drive, eat, and how to power the society…and he actually said this out loud in front of people at the meeting…and the sick thing is that the entire crowd cheered him…and then he went on to say that we could end greenhouse gas emissions if we just clear cut all of the rainforests…since this idiot doesn’t understand that plants take in CO2 and put out oxygen as part of their respiration….every time I think that the repubs can’t get much more stupid…another one pops his head out of the ground and ups the ante…what a bunch of maroons…geez…

August 12th

Well…it was just another normal Sunday with tons of vegging and not much else going on….kind of boring when I think about it but it is what it is…and, today is looking like more of the same and that is just not something I’m looking forward to…the only bright spot was the first of the last series of “Breaking Bad” and that was pretty good…slept okay, too, and with only having a half a cocktail last night, I feel okay today and ready to get some things done…not sure what those things are going to be but I’ll try to figure that out as the day goes on….will have to wait to get out on the bike with the rain still coming down or I may even take the day off and let the legs rest…more later…

So far so good..

Well…just a short update after the bike ride…and, if you can’t tell, I’m cheating a little to try to get caught up today…so far so good…I did abuse the bike a little this morning to see how the fiberglass will hold up and the seat is still tight and not flopping around so maybe it will hold up for a while…I do have enough material left to do the whole thing again so if it does break, I can just repair it again…it was a nice morning to be out on the bike, too, so I am starting to feel okay again…on to the news…

August 11th

Well…running a little late today but not too late…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get the bike repaired but I’m not sure how good of a job I did…that will show in a minute when I take it out for a ride….doesn’t look too good but I I’m more into function so that’s okay…slept okay last night but with it being a cocktail night, I feel a little crappy today…but I think I ate enough yesterday so that won’t be compounding it and I should have good legs for the ride…if the bike holds up, it will be a long one today….not much to do today…I was going to wash the car but I think I’ll wait until tomorrow…or maybe today, who knows….more later…

Just an update…

Well…it has been kind of a busy day today and I finally got to doing the fiberglass on the bike frame to keep the seat post tube from cracking….laid up three layers of glass and resin and it looks like it might work okay but I won’t know until I take it out tomorrow and put some stress on it…I hope it works or I may have to start looking for a new bike…but I don’t want to spend 400 bucks right now….maybe I’ll start saving where I can and see if it can be done…didn’t get to washing the car today but that’s okay…it will give me something to do tomorrow….I am looking forward to the premiere of “Breaking Bad” tomorrow…may have to go out to Netflix and see if last season’s finale is out there….

Tea Party stupidity…

Well….If this wasn’t so sad, I’d just laugh and shake my head….the other day, one of the tea party idiots was at a town hall meeting and went on and on trying to justify his votes to cut over 40 billion dollars out of the food stamp program…since he thinks almost all of the people that use them are committing fraud…and his reason for thinking this way? He was in line at the grocery store (which I just don’t believe) and saw two people using food stamps that weren’t fact he went on and on about how fit they looked and they couldn’t be poor enough if they were fit since everyone knows that poor people are fat….never mind that the occurrence of fraud in the program is down below 1%….but the one thing you can count on with the tea partiers is that they never let facts get in the way of their prejudices….I am still amazed how such stupid people can get elected…geez…

August 10th

Well…it was a long and interesting day yesterday and I even won at pool for the first time in over a month…and put the 8 ball in on the break to win the week…something that I never do…so that was fun and then out with K for a couple after I got home…and I made a little cash so I have groceries for another week….slept okay last night, too, so, all in all, it was a pretty good day….I am feeling a little crappy today, though, and I think it’s the allergies that are kicking in since my head is plugged up and hurting…oh, well…not much to do today…I do need to clean the car since there is a film on the inside of the windows again and the really bugs me…and I do need to clean this place up, too, so there will be things to do today…and I do need to do a couple more of these to get caught up….

More birther crap…

Well…just a short one on the stupidity that seems to be a badge of honor amongst repubs these days…and it didn’t used to be that way…I wonder why these ignorant bastards keep getting elected? Just yesterday, a repub rep from Oklahoma commented during a town meeting that he felt that there still should be a congressional investigation into Obama’s birth, birth certificate, etc. but thinks it may be too late now. I can’t keep saying this enough…there has never been a question that Obama’s mother is a US citizen and that makes Obama a “natural born citizen” of the US and makes him eligible to be president…no birth certificate needed…and just the other day, ole Ted Cruz said that he was eligible to be president even though he was born in Canada…and his reasoning? That his mother was a US citizen so that makes him one, too….I really want to go to one of these town hall meetings and have these idiots that so revere the constitution actually read it…geez…

What you never want to be….