Well…every time I think that the repubs can’t sink any lower than candidates like Issa (the high school dropout/car thief/ arsonist) or Louie Gohmert (just plain nuts), they surprise me with digging the hole even deeper…and this time it is Louisiana that is holding the shovel…the news just made me laugh so hard that I really had to comment on it…their latest brainstorm for a candidate for congress from swampland is one of the stars of “Duck dynasty”, the A&E show about the duck call business run by the Robertsons…now, this guy may be successful due in no small part to the tv show, but is he qualified to…oh, that’s right…tea party folks are proud they are not qualified to be in congress and have no need to compromise or represent anyone..just their lame brained ideas of how the country works. Just another of the haters on the right who think that everyone should be able to inherit a business from their daddy and that makes them better than the rest of us….keep it up repubs…run them idiots…geez…