Tag Archives: global warming

The stupid is even deeper than I thought..

Well…if you’ve seen any of these over the past few years, you know that at times I rail against the abject stupidity of many of those elected officials on the repub side…and, I thought I’d heard it all with the yahoo named Yoho from Florida who just knows that Obamacare is racist since it imposes a tax on tanning beds and whites are the only ones that use them…but, today we have ole Dana Rohrabacher from California who has just made the stupid pool quite a bit deeper with his comments at a town hall meeting this weekend…well…ole Dana started it up with one of the classics, that the “libruls” are conspiring with the UN using global warming to form a world government that will tell us what to drive, eat, and how to power the society…and he actually said this out loud in front of people at the meeting…and the sick thing is that the entire crowd cheered him…and then he went on to say that we could end greenhouse gas emissions if we just clear cut all of the rainforests…since this idiot doesn’t understand that plants take in CO2 and put out oxygen as part of their respiration….every time I think that the repubs can’t get much more stupid…another one pops his head out of the ground and ups the ante…what a bunch of maroons…geez…

Global warming must be fake…

Well…a day in the second week of May with a windchill? I can’t remember that happening in a long time, maybe ever. So, the logical conclusion that I have to draw is that, by my observation, global warming is a fake. After all, it snowed in New England this winter and they had the largest one-day snowfall on record in DC.

So I say to all those scientists that have spent their lives trying to figure out our climate, tough luck, you wasted your life. The repubs are right again…as they always are. Yea..go troglodytes! Geez…