Well….I don’t want to gush about Joe and the changes he is bringing to almost everyone’s lives here in the US, but damn, after 4 years of bullshit lies and feeding all the money to the rich, it feels good that we have someone on our side again….and finally, the dems are bulldozing the repubs for a change and it is for the people, not for the rich. I mean the recovery act is forecast to cut childhood poverty by 50%…I can’t remember when a piece of legislation did something so well for the people who need it…and the cool thing is that the dems are not apologizing for it but are owning it and the repubs don’t know how to act with over 70% of the people supporting it….I think ole moscow mitch made a huge mistake by not allowing any senator to vote for it just as the idiot McCarthy did in the House….how do they explain voting against help for Americans? The media has even started to tear into the repubs when they whine about the “exploding” deficit by reminding them that in just 4 years of trump, the repubs added over 7 trillion dollars to the national debt and they never once bitched about it….so let’s get to work on HR1 to protect the vote in the entire country from repub voter suppression…and if it means getting ride of the filibuster, then just do it and take away the only thing that gets any repub elected…go Joe…