Tag Archives: New York Primaries

New York primaries…

Well….sitting here waiting for the pork loin to cook and thought I’d do a comment on the New York primaries that were held yesterday…on our side, Hillary won in convincing fashion and made the path to the nomination almost impossible for Bernie…one of the problems our side has is that the youngsters that have come out strong for Bernie just don’t understand politics too well….that their guy is not going to win and it was not shenanigans, it was just that more people voted for Hillary and want her as the nominee…it’s nothing personal and they have to get over it and support our side’s nominee in the general…after all, do they really want a president Trump? Look at the damage the repubs have done to this country since Reagan, do they want that on steroids with a repub president? I know it hurts when your candidate loses but we need to take the long view…that any dem is better than any repub and we need to stick together to restore some sanity to this country. Oh, and Trump won the other side…it made me feel good that ole Ted was chased out of the state…after all, he hates “New York values”….good riddance…