All posts by James DeVol

November 7th

Well…no, I didn’t sell the house and I am now surprised how depressed I’ve been…but the good news of having the mouth infection under control has made it better after working on that for over 2 1/2 years…so I am going to hang my hat on that for a while…one other thing, when I got up wed, the track pad had stopped working on the new laptop so I had to call Dell tech support and of course it is in India but I got a guy called Prividah who knew his stuff but it still took an hour on the phone to get it fixed…luckily, it was just a update that went bad and he could fix it remotely…and he gave me a piece of advice to buy a wireless mouse to use if that happens again so I can still use the computer…so I went over to Target and got one for 8 bucks that connects through one of the USB ports…not that smooth but usable and I do like the track pad better anyway…he also said to make sure I choose the updates for the computer and install them when they pop up and that won’t happen again…so, I do need to have cocktails tonight and think a bit about what I want to do…4 years of hell again…oh, well…I did get three rides in today but I think I need to start thinking about warmer clothes…I did get some long sport pants in the care packages my daughter sent last year so I may try one of those tomorrow…and I did get a new chin strap for my winter riding hat and need to replace the frayed on that is on it…and I’m using a sport shoelace to replace the cord from an old swimsuit that I sewed in the first time…that one lasted 5 years so I’m hoping the shoelace will go that long, too…see you tomorrow…

November 6th

Well…I guess more than half of the country wants me to die of starvation after they eliminate SS so I need to start planning my exit strategy to get somewhere safe…house is going up for sale today and I’ll be out of this country by the end of the month…so, you won’t be hearing from me anymore…goodbye…

The teeth are better…

Well…got the news I was hoping for from the periodontist today with no infection visible and the inflammation almost gone…so that means I can keep the teeth I have left if I keep working hard to keep them clean…no more antibiotics for now and that is letting my guts settle down some…so, I’m taking the rest of the day off with only 16 miles in but I’ll make up for that with 41 tomorrow…yay!

Here we go…

Well…getting ready to head out for the periodontist appointment and I’m pretty concerned that the 90 days of antibiotics I just finished aren’t going to be enough and they are going to want to pull more teeth to get at the infection…but this is where I draw the line…I can barely chew with the teeth I have left so I’ll just let it get worse until they have to pull them all I guess and then I won’t eat anymore…this has been such a pain…almost 4 grand and the infection is still there and today is going to cost me 150 bucks for this cleaning since it will be the 4th cleaning this year and insurance only covers two…and I’m going to hit Meijers for some cocktail materials since I think I’m going to want it later today…but then no more until the 19th after my checkup…I am so tired of having to take care of myself and deny any fun to be able to get through my checkup without my doctor trying to throw medications at me for high blood pressure and cholesterol…I mean what the hell do you have to do to keep that down…isn’t losing 35 pounds and riding 30+ miles a day enough? Haven’t even had any meat except chicken for over a month now…I guess my cholesterol could be like my last brother’s at over 400 without medication so I think I’m doing okay at 140…oh, well…just want this day to be over…maybe more later…

Election day is here…

Well…election day is here and I’m going into a news blackout for the day when there is a possibility that our fellow Americans are going to help the idiot trump betray everything that this country stands for…and I had this thought yesterday since I lived through the days of the Soviet Union and the propaganda that “Pravda” put out every day…lying to the Soviet people every day and the effects were the same as fox news on today’s maga idiots…the soviets believed only what “Pravda” told them…that they were constantly under danger of attack from the US and that the ruling Politburo was the only thing that could save them…sound familiar? Yeah, it’s the same damn thing that idiot boy does every day…instilling fear in his followers with the same kind of lies that every wannabe dictator uses…you remember “only I can fix it”? That was his theme from the 2020 election and guess who really “fixed it”…it was Biden and Harris and their team that led our economy to the best in the world that the idiot is planning to wreck by raising taxes on everyone but the rich and handing that money over to the oligarchs who have bankrolled him…but don’t just believe me…over 250 of the worlds leading economists have said the same thing…you want to cough up an extra 4,000 dollars a year in tariffs? Just to follow a guy who has nothing but hate to offer…I think Americans need to grow up and embrace objective reality again…that idiot boy will ruin this country and you’re going down with him…especially those of us who depend on Social Security…can you live with a  30% cut to the money you paid in? That’s what will happen next year if you vote for idiot boy…I wonder why hate is so much more important than self preservation to the maga folks? They are going to starve along with the rest of us…geez…

November 5th

Well…man, another night of up and down and I know I’m going to feel it later…but I did get a few hours of sleep and even had some dreams so I guess I’ll take it…it has been raining for two days now and looks like it will continue all day today…no way I’m putting the leaves out in the rain today so I’ll just leave them in the garage until next week…and then I’ll have more to go out since the leaves are really falling now…but my big tree is still green so those will be shredded and left on the lawn whenever they fall…did another day of 41 miles yesterday but today will be a light one with only two indoor rides since I have a dentist appointment at 2 this aft and the rain is continuing until dark tonight…but tomorrow is going to be clear but cold…so I’ll get to 9,000 miles Wed and begin the long slog to 10K…going to have to do one more weed walk since the warm temps have started lots of them growing and I want to stun them before it snows and not lose control of the lawn like last spring…have to stay on top of that….not much to do today…just the rides and out for the appointment and then back here for maybe a third ride indoors…probably not…but we’ll see….more later…

The day got away from me…

Well…darn it’s almost 2:30 and this day has gotten away from me with the weight work still to do…and the day started pretty normal with getting on the indoor bike because of the rain we had here all morning…after two of those, the rain stopped…for a few minutes anyway, and with it being over 60 outside and nothing on the radar, I got moving to get the first of two rides in around 10:30 but the rain started up again when I was only 2 miles out and I hadn’t put my rain gear on with nothing on the radar…I guess I should have learned by now that the radar is not too accurate out here…so after getting wet on the first ride, I came back here and got my rain gear and headed back out around noon…and it rained the entire ride…and I had so much muck, dirt, and grit on me that it filled the bottom of my shower and took lots of rinsing to get it down the drain…didn’t even get to lunch until after 1 and that is really late for me…I do need to put the bags of leaves out but I may wait til next week since it’s supposed to keep raining through the day tomorrow…we’ll see…

The last day…

Well…I really don’t want to minimize the fact that today could be the last day of the USA if the idiot trump is elected…he has promised to use every fascist tool to go after his enemies and wreak havoc on everything that makes this a good country…remember, it was him who started the divisions that now roil the country by giving the assholes who support him permission to be the racist assholes they already were but had to hide before idiot boy came along…and to contrast the two campaigns, all this last week, idiot boy was all hate all the time attacking everyone who is not a white person…and he knows he is going to contest the election so he really has given up trying to convince anyone but his maga hordes to vote for him…while Kamala has been leaning into the themes of freedom and inclusion that have been the hallmark of her campaign…and making the US better for those who have been shut out of any voice before…I find it refreshing that hope is one of the things she mentions the most…and let’s remember, the US has the best economy in the world by every measure…and it was the Biden/Harris team that clawed it out of the crater that idiot boy left it in…a frickin miracle that the media is doing it’s best to hide in their efforts to help the idiot get elected…personally, I don’t think the polls are accurate other than the one in Iowa that shows that Kamala is up 4 points…in Iowa? Yeah, there’s something happening that the polls just haven’t captured since they look backward and are not seeing the enthusiasm for Kamala and Tim…this is a change election that I hope will relegate the idiot trump to the ash heap of history…just where he belongs…oh, and let’s remember…he gets sentenced for his 34 felony convictions on the 26th…I’ll make popcorn…geez…

November 4th

Well…not sure if I’m running late or early with the time change yesterday but I do still feel cold as heck this morning and I am going to put the heating pad on here in a minute….and that is strange with it almost 60 outside right now…slept okay and had some dreams last night but they were about the basement of my house collapsing…not this house but one I’d never seen before…strange…it’s raining here and is going to be all morning so there will be two rides indoors and maybe one outside again but the wind is going to be blowing a steady 20 with gusts again and I’m not sure if I want to face that today after freezing yesterday…it looks like I made way too much soup yesterday so I’ll be having nothing but that for a few days and I can live with that…need to avoid meat for the next week until I get blood drawn a week from tomorrow and the my yearly checkup a week later….I have a dozen burgers in the freezer that will be eaten after that…I think I’ve controlled my weight enough to get down in the 160′s but I’ll be eating light for the next two weeks to make sure…not much to do today…just the rides and putting the leaves out for pick up tomorrow but I think I’ll wait on that until Tues morning so the rain doesn’t soak the bags…or maybe even wait a week to put them out…who knows? More later….

Another drowning…

Well…damn, when I was out at the water stop on the boardwalk, there were fire engines, police cars, an ambulance, and a boat running up and down the beach so that can only mean one thing, another drowning out at my beach…that is the third one this year and I wonder whey anyone would be in the water when it was only 45 degrees air temp…the wind was blowing hard again today so I wonder if someone fell off the pier again? Whatever it was, it’s still sad seeing the rescue boat searching and searching out there…I did get three rides in today but only one outdoors since I was cold and just out of synch…and it took me a long hot shower to warm up some but still needed to put the heating pad on to get back to normal…I did make potato soup this afternoon to use up the whole milk I bought last week for the scalloped potatoes and it came out great…made too much so I’ll be eating that for two meals a day until late in the week…okay, going to read a bit before the Lions play…