Well…last year about this time, I had to kick a path through all of the walnuts that fell on the trail from a tree that is right next to it..and I still have boxes full of them downstairs…but this year, there is not one walnut from that tree anywhere to be found…now, I saw the same thing a few years back when I lived in Cutlerville and rode through Kentwood where there were three walnut trees along a hundred yard section of the trail that covered it with nuts every fall…and then one year, nothing…I am a little curious about that since we had walnut trees on our property but I don’t remember them ever having a year where there were no nuts…walnut trees are weird…
All posts by James DeVol
Here’s the thing…
Well…with the refusal of the Post and La Times owners to endorse Kamala after their editorial boards already had the endorsement statements crafted, it’s pretty easy to see that there are a couple of things happening…one is that Bezos and that LA Times asshole really do want to keep every damn dime they can steal from the rest of us by getting the tax cuts that idiot boy has promised them…but the second thing is that they are scared of what the idiot can and will do to them if they don’t kiss his ass and he is elected…trump is a fascist, after all and will illegally use the government for payback and these guys don’t have the guts to buck him…just a couple of scared little men who are already bowing to trump’s fascism even when he has no power…how lame is that? And these assholes aren’t scared of Kamala or the dems because they know we play by the rules and uphold the constitution not break it, so the first amendment will protect them not matter what the hell they do with their vanity papers…one bit of fallout from Bezo’s timidity is that there have been over 60,000 cancellations of subscriptions to the Post since he chickened out on the endorsement…and even the NYT has piled on to his cowardice by re-running their endorsement of Kamala on the front page this week…I think the Times has gotten much, much wrong during this election but they got this one right…geez
October 27th
Well…having a heck of a time getting going today but I still have to get on the bike by 8am…it’s only 31 out there so the outdoor rides will wait until the afternoon but that will interfere with the races so I’ll have to figure that out…or just skip them since they are pretty boring anyway…yeah, you’re right…sounds like I’m a little depressed this morning and I am….not sure if it will turn into couch melting depression but it could and that means there is going to be a lot of work to do to suppress it…crap…had a good day yesterday and got the last 5 windows cleaned and today should be a bathroom cleaning day and it might be..we’ll see…finished up the antibiotics yesterday and I am a little curious to see what the effect will be without them…have been taking them since July but I think I still have the infection on my mouth and that sucks…man, I am so tired of having a schedule to meet every day…haven’t taken a day off to do what I want for over a year and that is a little sick, isn’t it? At least I don’t have to cook today with leftovers that will last at least 3 more days but I do have to plan what is next…but who knows what that will be…have lots of canned goods that should make some meals and they need to be used…more later…
Don’t use Total Browser…
Well…with getting the new computer, one of the first things I did was to go out and look for an ad blocker to keep the damn pop ups and ads from overrunning it…tried a new one called “Total Browser” and it worked great for two weeks…and then, even though it was advertised as free, after two weeks they shut it off and had their own pop up that said I could continue to have ads blocked for 69 dollars a year…yeah, right…not when there are really free ones that work with Firefox that are open source and free…just like Firefox… so now I’m trying out another one called U-block Origin that got good reviews and doesn’t sell my data and in the past three minutes, it has blocked 18 ads over on Kos and now I can read that again without having to click to get through the huge popup ad that always comes up when you start there…so, I’ll do an update after I’ve used it for a while and see how it works…
October 26th
Well…damn I just realized I’ve only ridden 650 miles this month and that won’t get me to the final goal…still have 1,400 miles to do and the 28 miles I did yesterday just isn’t enough…and it’s pretty depressing that I may not meet the last goal in my life…and it gets worse…I wasn’t good last night and feel pretty crappy this morning…didn’t ever pour the first cup of coffee until 6:45 and that means I’m already late with getting the day started and that is going to follow me all day…it’s funny how much pain I’ve been in and the lidocaine experiment on my neck appears to be a failure since it still hurts and I will need to have x-rays after my yearly checkup to figure out what the heck is going on…I mean how can an injury still hurt after 4 months? Oh, well…it looks like a one indoor ride day today since it is already 47 out there but I hope the wind is a little lower than yesterday…but, it’s always windy out here so why would I think today would be any different? Okay, just poured the second cup of coffee and need to get over to Mastodon to get the first post out there…don’t have a lot to do today other than the rides but I want to get the remaining windows cleaned…and get that off my to do list..more later…
This is why there needs to be a wealth tax..
Well…with billionaires across this country putting their fingers on the scales of the election to try to throw it to the idiot trump, it highlights why there shouldn’t be billionaires and that can be prevented with a wealth tax that taxes every dollar over 10 million dollars that they “earn” at the rate of at least 90%…a great example of why there should be no billionaires came this week when the billionaire owners of the Washington Post and LA Times over ruled their editorial staff and stopped the papers from endorsing Kamala Harris for president, breaking a more than 50 year precedent for both papers…and the interference was so egregious that the editor of the Times and others at the paper quit in protest at the blatant bias they showed for the most unqualified candidate for president in the history of this country…and we all know why they did it…to make sure they get the huge tax cuts that idiot boy has promised them…so what should the personnel at the papers do now? They should go to the papers that have done the right thing for the country and write an op-ed why they think endorsing Kamala is the right thing to do to save our democracy…it’s obvious that Jeff Bezos doesn’t care about the US and some way of making him pay for this betrayal of democracy needs to be found..geez…
Elon is a Putin stooge…
Well…with the revelation that ole elon has been in constant contact with putin since 2022, how much do you want to bet that the money he is spending to install the idiot trump is Russian cash? You can be sure that every dime is going to reimbursed by putin and it is the same kind of crap that putin has pulled in every election since 2016…but he couldn’t do it without the help of traitors here in the US…and you know that includes the entire repub party at this point…but mostly three billionaires…musk, thiel, and murdoch…three “immigrants” who are a lot more dangerous than any person seeking asylum or undocumented immigrant who puts food on your table…so when are these guys going to be deported for being traitors to this country? They are naturalized citizens whose citizenship can be revoked if they are found to be criminals…do we need any more evidence that musk at least is a traitor? Look, musk is a government contractor and should have all of the government contracts he has terminated since he is obviously a security risk…get on it Joe, the country will thank you….geez…
Artificial intelligence is a waste…
Well…not sure if you know this or not, but every time anyone uses AI it costs 150 gallons of water to cool the servers it is hosted on…and the energy use for AI is already more than what is used to power an entire state…and what good is it? Have you ever used it for anything that makes your life better? Just last week it was reported that Bill Gates is hoping to restart the shuttered Three Mile Island Nuclear power plant just to power his AI servers and others who are trying to monetize AI are looking for power anywhere they can find it…including restarting coal-fired plants that have been shut down due to their effect on climate change…I guess my question is how can a few billionaires be allowed to use so many resources for their vanity projects that will wreck the environment? I know that these assholes are now looking at the Great Lakes for the billions of gallons of cooling water they need but what happens when they raise the temperatures of the lakes so much that there will be no ice at all in the winter? And what does that do to the wildlife that live there? Look, I think the benefits of AI have been overstated by the billionaires who only have one thing in mind…profit…that will cost all of us as they vacuum up resources that should be used for the common good and not to line the pockets of the 1%…the brakes need to put on this bullshit…after all, not one of these robber barons can tell you what AI will do to make your life better…it has already ruined internet searches that used to just give you the information you asked for but now give you crap that you have to wade through and still not get what you were searching for as it guesses what you really meant…I sure don’t need that…geez…
October 25th
Well…not sure why I feel so darn worn out today but I think it’s a continuation of how I felt yesterday afternoon…tired, just tired and I probably should be after doing over 30 miles a day on the bike for the entire year…went over 8,600 miles yesterday and I’m not sure if I can do 1,400 more miles this year…I will try but damn, that’s a lot of miles…it rained overnight and it’s only 46 right now so that means at least one indoor ride today that I need to get to in 45 minutes or so…I do need a day off working around here and it may be today…but I still have 5 windows to do and should get that done so I don’t have to think about it anymore…I do have to cook at least one meal today since I have the Masala leftovers for one and chicken thawed for another chicken/rice/potato dish in the half dutch oven…but that still means I’ll have to cook again tomorrow and I’m not sure what that will be…need to look in the freezer I guess…not much to do today…can I just sit here for a bit and not get going? I wonder how people just do nothing for an entire day? Haven’t done that for so long I don’t remember it…and I won’t do that today….oh, well…more later…
Dust bunnies the size of bunnies…
Well…decided to not do windows today when I noticed the cobwebs and dust bunnies in my bedroom along with tons of dust so I decided to clean it instead…I know this is a dusty house but the dust bunnies under my bed were the size of real bunnies and it took a while to get that cleaned up…I even went so far as to wash down the side table beside the bed and the dresser along with the baseboards and trim…pretty darned tired aft all that and the rides today and I can’t figure that out…oh, well…getting old I guess…it is nice to have a clean room…and with the rain coming in tomorrow morning, it looks like I’ll have time to do the bathroom and the living room…more work…ick…