Category Archives: Politics

Trying to find a topic…

Well…have been so darn busy today with doing the grocery run and then getting three rides in that I haven’t been able to find a topic…yet…okay, here’s one…I am a little confused why Kamala Harris is only up by 13 points with women…who are the women who would vote for a rapist who ended Roe? With the idiot trump’s running mate spouting off ever day about women and how they should be put inĀ  their place and not even be allowed to vote…please show me the woman who wants that? I wonder if they are asking the right questions in the polls…like “would you vote for a candidate who wants to take away your right to vote like he did Roe? I know being up 13 points is historically a lot but it should be 23 or 100…it’s still a close race and it shouldn’t be…and I’m going to be nervous until the day after the election…geez…

It shouldn’t be this close…

Well…I am starting to get a little pissed off at my fellow Americans who are still supporting the idiot trump even after his clear deterioration that is all over the tv every day…and the polls show that Harris/Walz is only up about 5 points int he latest polls and it shouldn’t be that close…I guess I’m frustrated by the stupidity of 43% of Americans who still think idiot boy is qualified when he showed in his term that he is anything but…and he is being sentenced for 34 felonies in two weeks but that’s okay with 43% of Americans, too…and by the way, where the hell is trump/vance? Not one event for them over labor day and that just shows they don’t give a damn about workers…and Harris/Walz were everywhere doing three rallies Labor day alone and at least one a day for the rest of the week while idiot boy has nothing scheduled until Saturday…I wonder if his campaign has realized that the less people see of him, the more they like him? Whatever it is, even though we are up we still need to do the work and get out the vote…my ballot is coming by the end of the month so I’ll get in in two months early…vote!

The most stupid thing I’ve ever seen…

Well…all of us who are no maga addled know that the idiot trump’s brain has been fading fast and here’s another bit of evidence that he is just not right…in an interview the other day he said this: “…the transgender thing is incredible…think of it, your kid goes to school and he comes home a few days later with an operation..the school gets to decide what happens to your child…and you knew many of these childs (yep, childs) fifteen years later say what the hell happened, who did this to me? If you can make sense of that crap, you’re doing better than me…look, there is no way that any school is making gender decisions for any kid and there are no operating theaters in and school in this country unless it’s a medical school…and the bad thing is that 40% of this country thinks he’s the “stable genius” he calls himself…I think he’s dumber than a box of rocks…and that goes for the person interviewing him who let this nonsense pass without getting up and walking out…geez…

Russia is starting to feel it…

Well…I think it’s finally starting to sink in with the Russian people that they are in a war…up til recently, people in Moscow were just going about their daily business but that changed last night when Ukrainian drones hit a major power station and oil storage tanks in Moscow leaving a large portion of the city without power…now I think they are going to have to pay attention to the air raid sirens from now on…how stupid is putin looking now? Ukraine is taking Russian territory and has been able to attack basically anywhere in Russia and match the drone attack by Russia two days ago…now it’s time for Ukraine to hit the Kremlin just like Russia hits Kyiv…and with Ukrainian industry innovating and building their own drones they can use without restriction, it’s just going to to get worse for Russia if they don’t just get the hell out of Ukraine…looking forward to more oil storage going up in flames…geez…

We always have to clean up the economy…

Well…it’s one of the things I can’t figure out…how the hell can anyone think the idiot would be better on the economy that any dem? After all, he ran the economy into the ditch and put 7 trillion dollars into the national debt using the same policies he said he will do cuts for the rich and tariffs on everything imported that every damn economist says will shift the tax burden to the middle class and will add another 6 trillion dollars to the debt…do Americans have memory loss or are they just stupid…and the one thing they have to remember…after every repub presidency, the dem that follows always has to fix the damn economy just like Joe Biden had to do after idiot boy…and Harris/Walz ticket will continue the fact based policies of Biden/Harris that have made our economy the best in the world…and yet people think the idiot is better…man, we have gotten stupid…geez..

It was just normal…

Well…after watching the Harris/Walz interview the other day it struck me just how normal it seemed…other the the interviewer spewing right wing talking points, Kamala and Tim just answered the questions, made sense, and didn’t attack anyone or lie…and I think that’s key in these times…aren’t you tired of the idiot trump? The ranting and raving and constant lies and attacks and every day striving to be worse than the day before? I think this should be a theme for the campaign…look how normal we are…and when you come home from work and turn on the news there won’t be any outrageous anything that would have happened…just steady, normal leadership and getting things done to make American’s lives better…we know that idiot boy can’t do that and aren’t we tired of it? There is enough stress in modern life and we should make the point that calmness is possible if we elect the Harris/Walz ticket…don’t you need a little calmness…I know I do…

Above the law?

Well…as anyone knows, the idiot trump thinks he is above the law and the Arlington incident where he and his team actually broke federal law by filming a campaign ad in the cemetery…and the excuse the army is using to justify just letting him get away with it is that the female attendant who was assaulted by one of trump’s assholes doesn’t want to press charges because she fears attacks from trump’s thugs…now, this is just wrong…they still broke the law and it would still be a crime that should be prosecuted even if she wasn’t there…after all, the evidence they broke the law has already been turned into an ad and posted to the internet…and since when is it a private citizen’s responsibility to enforce the law? I sure hope the military trumpers let this one soak in and makes them think about just who they are still supporting…idiot boy truly is the worst person in the world…geez…

It’s even worse…

Well…I wrote about the lawbreaking photo op that the idiot trump did at Arlington NS and the disrespect he showed those buried in the cemetery by giving a thumbs up over the headstone of one of the fallen soldiers…but it is even worse than that…it has been reported that the people trump had with him pushed and bullied a cemetery employee who tried to keep them out of the restricted area…now, in any normal time in this country’s history, this crap would have ended his campaign but nope, the media gives him a pass even when disrespecting our fallen soldiers…but we know he hates the military and has said so many times…and that, too, should be disqualifying but trump gets away with the bullshit since the major media want him to win to keep the rage clicks and money coming in…I just hate that asshole…geez..

They have him boxed in on the debates…

Well…with the one presidential debate coming up, the idiot trump is threatening every day to drop out of it with reasons like how the microphones will be operated and by idiot boy saying that Kamala is “too stupid” to debate…with an insult like that, let’s remember what one of idiot boy’s professors said: “donald trump is the dumbest person I’ve ever taught”…look, they have trump boxed in on the debate…if he does it, Kamala will shred him and he loses the election…if he backs out, the ads will write themselves saying he was too scared to debate and that’s not what we need in in a commander in chief….on other thing I wanted talk about is the photo op of idiot boy laying a wreath at Arlington Nation Cemetery…first it was a political operation which are not allowed there and whoever approved it should be fired…but it was just so cringy having the idiot stand there and fake caring at all about the military and the giving a thumbs up over the graves of fallen soldiers…what an insensitive asshole…geez…

Why do they want them to “fear” us?

Well…the latest attack on Kamala Harris by speaker Johnson goes something like this “the only person our adversaries fear less than Joe Biden is Kamala Harris”…now in the repubs tiny little fear driven minds, the bestest thing in the world is that people fear us…they just eat up using fear to get people to vote for them…scary immigrants, scary socialists, and scary women…you the gist…but everyone else other than repubs know it’s respect that helps get things done in the world…do you think people will help craft solutions to the problems of the world by making them fear you and threatening them? You won’t help on climate change? Then we will bomb you until you do…yeah, I hope you get how ludicrous that is…and I wonder how delusional the repubs have to be to think that the idiot trump’s “tough guy” image is feared around the world? The world had four years to see what a bumbling fool trump is and how easily manipulated he is with just a little flattery or even a bribe..there is no way anyone fears him…and it’s only in the mind of maga that he’s tough…everyone else in this country sees him as a washed up has been…or a never was since he started out with the affirmative action of generation wealth that he inherited…”does anyone think he looks tired”? geez…