Well…read an interesting article this morning about the changing demographics in the US and if I were a repub, I’d be crapping my pants…look, we know that the repub party is a white peoples party no matter how much they halfheartedly try to appeal to non-white people…and you can see how much they don’t give a damn but the fact that after the idiot trump took over the RNC, the first thing they cut was their minority outreach programs and personnel…and they did that because idiot boy himself is such a racist that he couldn’t ever see that any minority is necessary…he sees them as less than him and he’ll never accept that they are necessary for this country to function…one of the points of the article was that the percentage of white voters is on an inexorable downward slide that is going to do nothing but accelerate and if the repubs want to continue contesting the presidency, they are going to need to do something to appeal to other than white people…but they can’t with the current people in charge…I mean just look at the two at the top of their ticket and the openly racist attacks on Haitians in Springfield, Ohio…and that is not going to endear these assholes to anyone but racist white people…so all I have to say is keep it up idiots…be who you are…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
This is pretty damn funny…
Well…when the national leader of the Teamsters union, Sean O’Brien, showed up to speak at the RNC in Milwaukee, I could not understand that at all since the repubs hate unions and have pledged to destroy them all if the idiot trump is elected…I wonder why they would have elected this guy if he throws in with people who are going to destroy the union and the lives of union members? A few days ago this asshole decided to not endorse a presidential candidate, breaking with a long standing tradition and outraging the members he is supposed to serve…so, over night and today the members have had enough of this bullshit and local union chapters have started to endorse Kamala individually…and it’s a glorious thing to see…across the battleground states and even solid blue states these locals are standing up to the idiot president of the union and are supporting the only candidate who has a record of supporting unions and their right to organize and make lives of their members better…and I really hope that the national president is forced to resign in shame since he showed that he doesn’t care about his members and he is trying to throw the election to idiot boy…good on ya, locals!
Blame John Roberts…
Well…for a guy worrying about his “legacy”, Chief Justice John Roberts is sure acting as corrupt as any chief of the SC in the history of this country…you didn’t want Roe overturned, blame John Roberts for assigning the cast to Alito who reached back into witchcraft to justify ending bodily autonomy for women…you didn’t like the court creating immunity for the president that is nowhere written in the constitution? Blame Roberts and his machinations that were described in the times this week where he twisted arms on the court to take the case that was decided by an appeals court that unanimously said there was no immunity for anyone at all in the US…and when a ruling like that happens, every time until this one the SC deferred to the appeals court and rejected the appeal to the SC…but Roberts needed to protect his maga king so he broke precedent…again…so he could make up the immunity out of nothing…this is why we need to get out an vote to take the House, Senate, and Presidency to end this corruption once and for all…and after these latest revelations, Roberts should be impeached and removed from the court along with Thomas and Alito…all corrupt assholes who have done so much damage to the court…geez..
Scientific American endorses Kamala…
Well…with the news from yesterday that for only the 2nd time in it’s 179 year history, “Scientific American” has endorsed a candidate for president and it’s Kamala Harris…who else could it be? the intelligent woman who believes in science and the scientific method and the fact that climate change is here and is destroying cities across Europe with the torrential rains an flooding this week…if you can find it, take a look at the news release where they point out that idiot boy would be a disaster for the environment as he was in his term…and his only idea is “drill baby drill” when we should be leaving all of the carbon in the ground and forcing the oil companies to buy solar installations for anyone who wants it for their house…and we need to calculate the cost of the damage they’ve done with their lies and claw that back from them until they are out of business…so, I welcome SA putting science where it needs to be…driving environmental regulations that will at least start to lower carbon emissions…
They missed..
Well…another day, another attack on the idiot trump but can you call it an attack if the only people firing any guns were the Secret Service? Guess who the idiot is blaming for the attempted attack? Of course, Kamala and Joe for calling him a “danger to democracy” even though it’s true he is…with the revelation that the attacker was actually mentally unstable and was still able to buy an AK-47, we just need to remember who is responsible for the regulation being removed…yep, idiot boy and in Florida anyone can buy or carry any guns they want since all of the regulations there were removed by the repubs…and now we have ole elon going on his shitty X platform wondering out loud why Joe and Kamala aren’t being targeted and I have a pretty good explanation…they aren’t rage filled racist assholes like idiot boy who daily tries to keep people pissed off so he can manipulate them easier…this attack was driven by the fact that this guy hates trump as does a large part of the people of this country…now acting on that hate is wrong and gun violence is wrong…maybe the idiot should shut up for a while and see what happens…geez…
Eating dogs and cats…
Well…the racist assholes in this country led by the idiot trump and his idiot vp vance are now stirring up trouble in a little town in Illinois where there was an influx of Haitian refugees settled there a few years back and they have settled in and are an asset to the community…so of course these right wing assholes have to smear them by starting rumors that they are killing and eating their neighbor’s dogs and cats…oh, and, by the way, this smear has been used by right wing assholes since the 1800′s to attack immigrants but never by a major party’s candidate for president and vp…there is no truth to any of this bullshit but the maga folks have taken it as truth since their god emperor told them it was and have been calling in bomb threats to schools and hospitals and there have been threats of mass shootings from the right wing assholes, too…my question is: where is the FBI in all of this? Magats are not the brightest people so I’m sure they left a trail…is there never anything that would disqualify trump and vance? This should but it won’t…geez…
This is starting to irritate me…
Well…sitting here trying to watch the Michigan game and the damn repub commercials are starting to irritate the hell out of me…they just lie and take things out of context like “mortgage interest up 250%!”…well yeah, interest is up because the dems had to clean up after the mess that idiot boy made of the economy and by the theft being done by corporations by padding their profits which was studied to have added more than half to inflation over the past two years…the they go on to say that “gas prices have doubled”…and don’t say doubled from what…from the low of two bucks a gallon that was the result of idiot boy crashing the economy during the start of the pandemic? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here…or they were until prices mysteriously went up by 40 cents a gallon Thursday…but you get my drift…and I propose that political ads from either side should be banned from sporting events on tv…I’ve had enough of repub lies..
Well…the first set of polls in in after the debate and it’s looking good for Kamala and Tim…these new ones have them up anywhere from 3-5 points and even in the polls that everyone knows are biased have her up and the few that have asked “who won the debate?” have her up by almost 30 points 53 to 27 points and that dovetails with the cnn poll right after that had her up over 30 points…the thing that really strikes me about those numbers is that it is a snapshot that shows us that there are 30% of the country that are either really stupid and can’t recognize how bad the idiot trump did or delusional where they know and don’t care how bad he did…oh, and do you know what the latest criticism of Kamala is? That she isn’t reaching out enough to the maga folks to try to get them to her side…hey, morons…just look at the numbers about who won the debate…these folks would rather die than think about that so why should she waste her time butting her head against that wall? The numbers look encouraging for our side but let’s get those number up into a double digit lead…okay?
42 million dollars…
Well…just a short one about dem fundraising after the debate…in one day after the event, Kamala raised 42 million dollars and a lot of that is going to go downballot to try to help dems in state and local races…now that’s how it’s done…Oh, and Mary Trump, the idiot boy’s niece has said that the idiot will “never recover” from the beating he took in the debate…I guess we can only hope…going to have lunch and go to the beach…more later…
She wiped the floor with him…
Well…I didn’t watch the debate last night but I’ve seen enough excerpts and transcripts to say that Kamala wiped the floor with the idiot trump…she toyed with him and then crushed him with attacks about his 34 felony convictions, and the fact that world leaders and former generals that worked for him think he’s and idiot who doesn’t know anything…and she hit him with sabotaging the bipartisan border bill just so he could have an issue to campaign on…and when he started attacking Haitian refuges lying that they were eating people pets, Kamala just laughed as the fact checkers came down hard on that debunked lie…one of the great lines from trump showing he has no policy clues was when he was asked about idiot boy’s Obamacare replacement plan and he answered “I have concepts of a plan” the same “plan” that he had for endless “infrastructure weeks” and never did a damn thing…and even right wing pundits are saying that trump lost badly and the poll taken after the debate showed that people think that, too…67% of the respondents said that Kamala destroyed trump…one of her best lines was when she was contrasting her policies with whatever trump’s were by saying everything about trump is me,me,me while the dems think about what they can do for the American people to make their lives better…Kamala knocked it out of the park and idiot boy knows it…yay!