Well…it’s been a pretty normal, busy day today with getting the rides in before 10:30…but I took a half hour off to finish the coffee before I started on the potato soup….got the soup done and had lunch and then cleaned the back steps and the mats…both the inside one and the outside one and now they are drying in the sun so I can put them back…I decided to add some carrots to the soup today and I like the extra flavor it gives it so I’ll keep those in…will probably make another batch later in the week since I have 10 pounds of potatoes that need to be used before they spoil and I like having soup available when I don’t want to cook…tomorrow starts the 5 worst days of the year here with the biggest motorcycle event in Michigan that goes from Wed to Sun…all these assholes do is put up their trump flags and race around the city…last year a bunch of them blew through my neighborhood at close to 80 in a 25 mph zone and the cops do nothing…and that is just the start of it…loud music all day and til almost midnight ever damn day…so, needless to say, I’m not looking forward to it…I may ride through there since there are usually some weird bikes to look at…oh, well…
Category Archives: Politics
As I expected…
Well…as I expected, Jack Smith has appealed the decision of the unqualified and corrupt judge cannon in the stolen documents case and the pundits and lawyers who are commenting think that the 11th circuit who will hear the appeal will remove her from any trial that has anything to do with the idiot trump…and the egregious thing she did was try to say that the justice department has no legal right to appoint a special prosecutor in any case…nevermind that every other time this argument was used the courts slapped it down and even the SC did the same so there was precedent that she willfully ignored and made up law that doesn’t exist…how the hell did she think she could get away with it? It’s all part of her being unqualified to be a judge at all…after all she had never tried a case before the idiot appointed her and it always looks like she is in over her head…so, get it done Jack, and get this trial back on track…geez…
Cannon pays trump back…
Well…I guess judge Cannon has paid the idiot trump back for her appointment by dismissing the stolen documents case and she made up the law as she went with help from the Heritage Foundation and clarence thomas using the limited immunity the SC just gave trump.and saying the Jack smith was appointed illegally…but she didn’t dismiss the charges “with prejudice” so they can be refiled in front of a different judge or even appealed to the 11th circuit to get this ruling thrown out…and I’m sure Jack smith has thought about this long and hard and has the appeal ready to go…this is the damage that trump has done to the judiciary…the rule of law means nothing to the idiot and now half of the judges in this country feel the same way…god I hate him…geez…
What the hell did they expect?
Well…at least they’re not talking about Joe’s age anymore…in case you didn’t hear, someone took a shot at the idiot trump yesterday…they didn’t shoot him, he was injured by flying glass from the teleprompter he was using so don’t let anyone lie to you and say he “survived” a gunshot wound…the shooter was a 20 year old registered repub using an AR-15 and the asshole killed one other person in the crowd…with idiot boy calling for violence at ever damn “rally”, what the hell did they expect was going to happen? I’m pretty sure they didn’t think it would mean repubs shooting repubs since they have been aiming these crazies at the dems and other “enemies” for years…but that’s the thing about violent assholes…once you riled them up with your constant calls for violence, you never can tell who the target is going to be…and I’ll bet the idiot will be using this incident for fundraising today and playing it up that he is “brave” for giving a speech later in the week…okay, no more comments…geez…
Watch the speech..
Well…George Clooney can just go to hell after his call for Joe to drop out of the race with an op ed in the NYT…hey, George…go watch the speech that Joe delivered in Detroit last night in front of 10,000 people…it was a barn burner and the response by the crowd shows that Michiganders have his back and they reject any calls for him to resign…this is just so damn stupid…the reality is even if we wanted to change…and we don’t…there is no way to get anyone else on the ballot in every state…and look, we voted for Joe in the primaries and now these naysayers want to take our votes away from us…we knew what we were getting when we voted for Joe..a good man who is one of the best presidents in the past century..and then we have Kamala waiting in the wings…a great team that has shown they have our backs and have managed the rotten trump economy into the envy of the world…so, just shut the hell up…Joe is our guy and we’re sticking with him right to the end…and you should, too…geez..
Joe knocked it out of the park…
Well…some people were holding their breath about Joe Biden’s press conference and worried that the sick guy that botched the debate would show up instead of one of the best presidents in my lifetime…they didn’t have to worry…Joe knocked it out of the park…of course Joe was Joe and had a couple times where he misspoke but the depth of his policy knowledge shows that that 81 year old still has the chops to be president…now I want them to ask the idiot trump the same questions in the same format…10 reporters throwing out questions…no teleprompters, no nothing but the addled brain of trump…there is no possible way he knows what Joe knows…and let’s remember one thing…throughout his career, Joe has been gaffe prone…the difference now is that the major media is owned by right wing billionaires who want trump back in office and attacking Joe’s age and capabilities is the best way for them to help trump…so that’s what they are doing…geez…
To Russia?
Well…we all know that clarence thomas is the most corrupt SC justice in history, but in an article on the Daily Beast his corruption is far, far worse than anyone knew…this latest bombshell is about a trip that a billionaire paid for that sent thomas to putin’s hometown and then a helicopter ride to one of putin’s estates…hmmm…I wonder what they talked about…and thomas never revealed it as required or paid income taxes on the gift which is a felony..but he’ll get away with it when he “updates” his financial disclosures…just as he has forever…but now there is a twist when AOC filed impeachment charges against both thomas and alito yesterday and that should stir some kind of investigation into the corruption of both of them to go with the letter two senators sent to Garland asking for a special counsel to investigate those two…maybe something will happen this time…ha,ha…yeah that made me laugh, too…geez…
It’s about time…
Well…finally…it was revealed yesterday that two senior dem senators have sent a letter Merrick Garland asking him to assign a special prosecutor to investigate the most corrupt SC justice in history, Clarence Thomas, for ethic violations and outright criminality by taking bribes from billionaire repubs…and those billionaires all had cases in front of the SC and thomas didn’t recuse himself as the SC rules say he should…oh, and let’s add in tax fraud since a loan of 247,000 dollars for a motor home was forgiven and that makes it income that thomas never reported…it’s about damn time that someone do something about this corrupt court…and the billionaire donors should be shaking in their boots, too, since a special prosecutor can follow the money trail wherever it leads and it may lead to a RICO charge if these corrupt actions were taken for a shared illegal purpose…and Garland better approve this one if he wants to have any chance to protect the rule of law…geez…
Two things…
Well…with all of the ridiculous bleating on the right and left that Joe should step down from the presidential race because they don’t think he can do the job…I have a question…what the hell is he doing right now if it’s not the job of being president? Hosting a NATO summit this week, meeting with congress, and all of the rest…do you see him taking “executive time” like the idiot trump did every day and not even doing anything until after noon? Geez people…shut the hell up about Joe not being able to be president…I’m supporting him right til the end of his next term…second, I think a great new ad would be to take a few of the worst promises of the 2025 project and the on a split screen put up the dem policy that would show how greedy and mean the repubs want to get…no rights for anyone but straight, white, christians…and that doesn’t sell well with the public…I think exposing this repub manifesto is the most important thing we can do to ensure a blue wave this fall…geez…
I just love Joe…
Well…with all of the brain dead moron dems calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race, today he gave them a resounding no and told them “challenge me at the polls” instead of all the carping they are doing…all that dropping Joe would do would be to ensure that the dems lose the election and I think they want that…I still think some of these assholes are getting paid off by the repubs or they are just stupid and are buying all of the propaganda the the NYT and Post are spewing…or they are looking at the polls that are skewed toward the idiot as always…just look at the polls from France over the weekend…before the election, all of the major news media were saying the right wing assholes were going to win in a landslide but what really happened? They came in 3rd and were swamped by voters going for the left leaning parties…and let’s go back to what I always say…if we vote, we win…we all need to get off our asses and vote for Joe…I need the rest from the minor raping idiot trump…geez…