Category Archives: My Life

September 19th

Well…it’s my daughter’s birthday today so I’ll have to remember to text her at some point this morning…but also have to remember that it is an hour earlier in Chicago so I think I’ll wait a while…geez…why do the teams I follow have to give me a damn heart attack every time I watch them? Michigan State went down to the last play in overtime (yeah, I know, if they win it’s always on the last play in overtime) but it was kind of neat to see a trick play win it…I like to see creativity from these coaches and taking some risks.

Not much to do today…are you getting tired of me saying that? I’ll try to use some new phrases and see how that works out…I could say that I have lots to do compared to nothing…or I could just lie and say I have the busiest day in my life…do you even care? Sometimes I don’t even care….might have a short Sunday Funday out to Vinnie’s to watch part of the Lions game but why watch when you can predict what is going to happen…the Eagles will take the first series and move the length of the field for a touchdown…then, the Lions will go three and out or throw an interception that will be returned for a touchdown…making it at least 14-0 in the first quarter. Then, it goes downhill from there….

I’m still irritated about having two flats on the bike in two days…and it is a pain to have it sitting here with no back tire when I wanted to take a ride today..oh, well…

September 18th

Yep…I know, I’m late this morning…the damn DSL has been off and on all morning since it is raining here and I am starting to get really frustrated with the service…I think I’ll check on getting cable internet this week since the DSL is normally so slow I can’t watch instant movies on netflix anymore either. But, that’s for another time I guess. No plans for the weekend so far but G may be available later and want to hang out so that could be something…and, we have Michigan football at noon so I’ll have to get some things done here pretty quickly so I can watch uninterrupted. Going to try a pork loin in the slow cooker today but I’m trying to do it with just what is currently in the place and kind of winging it on the spices. I know I’m going to coat it with some Jamaican jerk spices that I got the last time in Chicago and probably use some chicken stock, lime juice, and garlic…going to keep it simple and kind of fresh tasting..I’ll let you know later how it came out…well, not until after 6 since it takes about 8 hours to cook.

Not much else going on this weekend…looks like no bike ride today since there is rain all the way back to Iowa on the radar…but I think I’ll kind of miss it since the liver was rested last night and the coffee from this morning has me amped up and ready to go…maybe later…

Oh, I am looking forward the the State and ND game which will give me something to do later…

September 17th part two…

Well…It’s been a kind of weird day with one occurence that I feel I had to share…had a flat tire on the bike today that was kind of exhilarating…it was on the fastest downhill on my route and damn near flipped me into the weeds when it went. I’m glad I wear my running shoes to ride the bike…it was a long 4 1/2 mile walk back but taking it slow allowed me to just look around and enjoy the trail and the day. The flat did one more thing..It reminded me that I do like living where I do…even in this small apartment. The bike shop is less than a block away and it took all of 5 minutes to get the tire fixed including travel time there.

It’s becoming a nice little community out here with the movie theater and the new bar that is opening in a couple of weeks…and even the clientele at the coffee shop is taking on a more eclectic flavor that reminds me of the ones I’ve been in in Chicago…well…that may be stretching it a little but there is more activity happening every day and I kind of like it…

September 17th

Well…out for a little while last night with K and C and had a lot of fun…had a little argument about the scientific method and the conflict between science and faith (yeah, we do talk about more than hockey) and I guess I went off a little…but I’ve been so good lately about politics and religion that I think I had one coming. I am getting back to resting the liver starting today and it will probably last until Monday, or at that’s the hope. Not a lot to do today…need to get back on the bike and work out, then clean a little…the kitchen needs some work that I have been putting off so that will be a goal…more later…

September 16th

Well…got my butt kicked at pool yesterday….but that’s okay…have had a pretty good run and there is always next week. I have found out one thing…going to stay away from drinking for while…didn’t sleep at all last night and feel like crap again today…don’t want to have to just survive my days…I’d gotten used to feeling okay when I got up and want to keep that up, so I think the liver is going to get a rest for a while again. That’s not even mentioning the empty calories that come with booze…I need to drop another 10 pounds before the end of the biking season and taking in an extra 1000 calories a day really gets in the way.

Not much else to do today…just coffee and a workout…no bike ride today since it’s raining and I think it’s a good idea to let the legs rest at least one day a week…well…if the weather gets better late on, I’ll probably take a leisure ride with no sprints…and I may meet up with K later…so I’ll have a couple of beers today but that will be it….then dry for the weekend…except Sunday Funday if that happens…so you can see how hard it is to be good…more later…

September 15th

Well…as you can see from the earlier post…I was up pretty early this morning…I think it was about 5:30 or so but I feel okay since the liver rest program is still in full swing. That will not be the case later today, though, have lunch plans with T and then the normal wed out to Ada to shoot pool…this could be 5 weeks in a row if I win…but last week Tom gave me almost as many games as I won so I really can’t feel too good about it. The roast in the slow cooker was not as good as the traditional way…not anywhere near as much flavor so I’ll probably go back to the tried and true…but the bottle of Cabernet that I got cheap from Meijers almost made up for it.

Not a lot else to report right now…so I’ll end it here…more later…

More trail weirdness and an observation…

Well..there are so many things in my head right now that I sometimes think that the thoughts are going to bleed out my ears…or maybe that is happening right now…I’ll have to check…nope…nothing but soap from the shower after the bike ride. But, maybe that explains why I forgot about this bit of weirdness that happened yesterday…out on the bike and normally, there are a few grasshoppers on the pavement but they are easy to miss and I always try…but, yesterday, there were thousands of them everywhere; jumping into the air when I got near and it reminded me of the videos of that river in Illinois that the carp jump out of when boats go by. I must have had 20 or 30 of them plastered to the front of my shirt and had to keep my mouth closed or I would have eaten at least a few of them. Compounding that strangeness, today they were back to normal and it looked like any other day….match that one….

Oh, the observation. Well…part of my trail runs along M-6 and this morning, I looked up to see the coolest semi-truck I’ve ever seen…it was a modern one but looked like an update of a 30′s truck with a v-shaped, chrome, art deco like grill that resembled the front end of the streamlined trains of the same period. I still think things should look good….

September 14th

Well…have a bunch of topics for the day and, as you can see, I’ve already weighed in on one of them….but I think it may be time to tie together a theme for the fall elections…or maybe I’ll get sidetracked again…geez…I feel like I’m watching fireworks; that new ideas are exploding above me but they flash and then are gone…leaving me to try to make sense of the afterglow and turn it into some sort of lucid commentary. It’s not as easy as it looks…especially working without a net. But…that’s enough of that, if you’ve read these at all, the date in the title means this is supposed to be about my life so I’ll get on with today’s mundane description of the obvious…you can probably recite these in your sleep….

Not much to do today (see I told you…but it’s not a re run) but I do have to get groceries since I’m making T’s pot roast recipe in the slow cooker today and I’m going to try to use veggies from C s for all of the aromatics…I even have heirloom carrots that he grew that actually taste like carrots….then, I actually have some stuff to get done today…yay, and the 6th day of resting the liver was another good one…but, I am going to get a bottle of cabernet to have with dinner…maybe class this place up a little bit…is it wrong to still drink milk with dinner when you are 57? Don’t know where that came from…damn…do you ever type form when you meant from? In this post, and I guess every one….it seems that form comes out every time and I have to go back and correct it. Well….you know I’m weird…

September 13th

Well…it was kind of a Sunday Funday yesterday….won about 30 bucks playing Keno so the tab was quite small…took it easy the rest of the day after that so I feel okay today…I really like the idea of giving the liver a rest and feeling good in the morning but a pretty big setback on sleeping last night disappointed me a little. Oh, well…looks like it’s going to be a pretty nice day but no plans other than the regular stuff that I won’t bore you with today…tomorrow is a different story, though. I know I still have the Keynes placeholder for later and maybe a comment on a Fareed Zakaria article in the Washington Post that posits that we are overstating the threat from terrorists; but no mention of the reason why we are still doing it, and that is the key to the whole issue. So, there will be some topics for later if you come back…if not, have a nice day…

September 12th

Well…it’s been a pretty good morning..up early, but I think the sleep is getting better…no where near as much tossing last night and I got up with a bunch of energy…so much so, that after the three cups of coffee I had during the F1 race, I had to go out on the bike and do 20 miles just to burn off the caffeine. Another benefit of resting the liver seems to be that I’m becoming more lucid and motivated to write, as you can see from the two posts that I completed before this one…at least it’s more lucid to me so please don’t burst my bubble. I think I have some plans today…not sure if it will be a full-blown Sunday Funday but I am going to meet up with C later this aft and have a couple of beers…K is still in Chi-town, so I don’t think we’ll see her today but I wouldn’t mind playing some Keno out at Vinnie’s and drinking cheap beer.

I don’t know if I should be excited that the Lions are starting their season today, but, as I’ve said before, we here in Michigan always succumb to the disease of optimism with them..irrational, I know, but as of this morning, they are undefeated!