Category Archives: My Life

June 11th

Well….I did get a bunch of music ripped last night but didn’t sleep very well….never do when I’m away probably because I don’t travel much anymore. It has stormed here in Chicago already this morning, and there is more coming to look at the radar, so the blues fest may be out. Not sure what is on the agenda for today if that goes away but I’m sure we can find something to do; need to say away from downtown, though, since the Blackhawks are having the Stanley Cup parade today. Don’t know why I’m so uncomfortable staying in my daughter’s place but I think it’s that I spend so much time alone now that it is strange when I’m with people for extended periods of time. Trying to just live in the moment and enjoy the time here and I hope I’ll be more successful doing that later today and early tomorrow…but I will be going back to GR Sat aft….more later….

June 10th part 2….

Well…made it to Chicago pretty easily…almost without a map but not quite…have already fixed my daughter’s bike (put new fenders on it) and walked to the hardware store to get some parts. The car ran great all the way here…I think better than ever and turned over 280K on the way here…now if the duct tape will hold up on the door and windshield post back to GR, I’ll be pretty happy. Looking at her music collection right now to see what she has that I can rip…more later…

June 10th

Well…it was good to see the Blackhawks win the cup last night but I think the parade is going to screw up my going to the free blues fest in Millennium Park since the route goes right by it….maybe it will be fun to see it but probably not. I’m sure we can find something else to do until the parade is over. Getting ready to go out for coffee…more later…

June 9th

Well…taking it easy today since I’m getting ready to travel tomorrow and don’t want to be hungover going to Chicago. I know, it’s not like I’m going to Europe or anything and the way I drive it only takes about 2 1/2 hours to get there from GR…but I’m trying to cut back on the booze for a while to avoid all those empty calories. More later….

June 8th

Well…had an almost normal night last night, since it was Monday, out with G for a few beers and then back here to watch the Obama’s speech from K-zoo…the wireless was down but got that running this morning so I can get back online. Not a lot to say right now but I will give a heads up that I’m going to touch on how aggrieved religious folks seem these days….I don’t understand why it is so important for them that other ideas be stifled…why do they feel so threatened?

That might be the topic today but who knows? Haven’t read the papers yet and there may be something else that will arouse my ire or nothing…you’ll just have to come back to know the regular out, bike, then write…more later…

June 7th

well..there was Sunday Funday yesterday out to Logan’s with K, V, and C,….had fun but no winnings at Keno. It was nice to get out after being home here for 5 days…man, I have to start finding things to do. It is weird that one of my sons is going through the same thing right now. I am getting excited about going to Chicago thurs and it looks like the weather is going to be good for Thurs and Fri but storms on Sat, but that’s okay since I’ve decided to come back Sat after the game. The funny thing is that when I talked to my daughter yesterday, she had already figured out that I couldn’t stay Sat night….but I look at it as giving them some time to have to themselves after having me there for two nights…and there are things I need to take care of here that I can only let go for a couple of days. And, you know how it is, I sleep really badly here…being in a strange bed just aggravates that problem. When I used to travel for work, I never really adjusted to the new sounds and had to use earplugs to sleep at all.

Doesn’t look like there will be much to do this week until I leave but I do have to check out the wreck to make sure it will make it…yeah, it’s really old and I may be able to get it to 300K miles before the body falls off.

I promise I’ll have some topical stuff later after I read the newspapers this morning…after all, the outrage is still bubbling under the skin and I need to get some of it out…not all, since I find that it powers me at times…more later

June 6th

Well…it has been an interesting couple of days…have reconnected some with the kids, J came over (oh, all of my kids names start with a J so you can’t tell them apart) yesterday and I made him dinner; had coffee with him this morning, too, so that was kind of fun. Don’t know what I’m going to do today…there may be a Sunday Funday happening but not sure yet…can’t get warm for some reason so it has been hard to think about getting on the bike today. So it may be a day of watching the Napcar race from Pocono and just taking a nap later and chilling out here.

Hmmmm…not outrage today but I will promise to write more about change that I started a few weeks ago…more later…

June 5th part 2….

Well….can’t believe how sensitive the shifter is on the bike…about a 16th of an inch of adjustment and it works better than it ever has…yay! Now I need to clean the thing up before I go to Chi-town Thurs to visit my daughter…will probably go down thurs evening and stay until the USA England match is over…coming back Sat night..or not, who knows, I may do what I normally do and that is to get out of dodge as soon as possible.

It has been a somewhat boring day but I did get my bathroom cleaned and the whole place vacuumed; getting ready for the sports car race to start at 2…have some chicken brining for dinner but will have to bake it since the grill is gone…brined chicken is no good on the grill anyway. It kind of feels good to have had a no-drink night last night…have a lot more energy today but that may be the coffee…

I did re-watch Burn Notice this morning…must have been the booze thurs night since it was not bad today…probably should stop
drinking completely for a while and give the liver a rest….at least for this weekend….well…maybe not…

I promise more later about other subjects…you may be getting bored with this stuff..but I wouldn’t know without comments…;-)

June 5th

Well…it’s early morning and I’m sitting here thinking what to write today….hmmmm..the weather, the bike? Nope, the US takes on Australia in a World Cup tune up game in a few minutes so that is something that I have to see. I have been working on the bike and was so bored yesterday that I took the brakes apart to change the pads from front to rear; since the rears get all of the use…well…after I took them apart I remembered that I had already done that earlier in the spring. I did try to adjust the shifter to get the downshifts better and will find out if that worked later this morning when I go out after the soccer game. What else? Oh, burned my grill to the ground last week when the burner split down the side and went up in a huge fireball…only a couple of months old but I had problems with it since new…but now I have to find another one which isn’t too easy since most of the stores are already stocking winter stuff…geez….

June 4th

Well…as has happened the previous two seasons, Burn Notice disappointed me somewhat last night…they just never hit their storytelling stride but I have hope that they will get better. Not much else to say today…just bored silly and nothing to do for the weekend…hmmm…I guess I’ll have to start making my own fun again since I never really hear from anyone anymore. Yeah, I know, stop whining…more later….