Category Archives: My Life

May 24th

Well…busy morning so far..of course, coffee, then the normal routine except I went out and hit a bucket of balls to see if I can get rid of the nasty slice that I’ve developed….and I can report that I think I’ve figured it out…yay! It is so hot already that I came back from the bike ride completely drenched and I may have to run the AC later in the day.

One good thing, I’m not sore from hitting so I may be okay to go golfing with G later since the LC is still closed for some reason…and it is cheaper to golf than sit at the bar all night even if you have to buy beer on the course. Might be fun…more later…

Oh, I do have some things to say about business and how they are using their funding of the hard right to try to protect themselves from regulation…

May 23rd

Well…what a gorgeous morning to be out on the bike in the fog and haze…out before 8 and over 20 miles and now I’m already bored and it is only 10…oh, well…not much going on Sunday Funday as far as I know…at least I haven’t heard from anyone yet.

Not much more to say right now so I’ll stop…more later..

May 22nd

Well…it was nice to take the night off last night and just take it easy up somewhat refreshed and got on the bike early and have already taken a nap..okay, that’s a little early but I was up at 5 so I can justify it in my own mind. Grilled some salmon for lunch with G’s honey, hot mustard, and lemon sauce along with asparagus and portabello mushroom caps marinated in Italian dressing topped with chopped tomatos, onions, and Parmesan cheese. Yeah, I know…kind of overboard for just lunch but I was just getting so tired of burgers and chicken. It looks like pork loin chops on the grill for Sunday but have to get off my butt and get the loin sliced so I can brine them before the grill. Still cheaper than going out for dinner….although it is kind of a pain to always eat alone. On that note, thank you T for the nice lunch Friday…had lots of fun!

No plans for the weekend the way it looks..can’t watch Indy qualifying since it’s on Versus…no wonder the IRL is going down the tubes and no one watches anymore. Grubbing for money instead of taking care of the fans…typical of most of the leagues these days including the NHL who did the same thing to the fans in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

That’s enough crabbing for now since one of the things I’m trying to get better at is to stop complaining about everything..although I don’t complain about everything…just some things very strongly….

May 21st

Well..I’m starting to feel better from Wednesday…although, going out for beers last night didn’t help. Today has been quite busy so far…grocery shopping, working out, lunch with Teresa, and just got back from a ride. I know, quit bitching, most people would love to have my life and I kind of like it, too. No plans for the weekend so far, except watching Indy 500 qualifying tomorrow..kind of a tradition with me and I am looking forward to it.

I promise some outrage tomorrow or later today…just have to comment on Jay Ambrose in the GR Press..who thinks that Michelle Obama wanting to do something about childhood obesity is an indoctrination of children to be socialists..geez….

May 19th

Well…busy morning so far, had to go out for coffee of course, then a haircut, washed the car, worked out, and took a long ride. Not a lot else to do until it’s out to ADA later this aft…I feel like I’m going to win at pool again this week…don’t ask me why, I just think that. Having a hard time lately working up outrage about anything but I have to be able to write without it I guess. I do have some comments on the primary elections from Tuesday but they are just musing more than anything since I didn’t see anything that looked like a trend except incumbents had a hard time in some of them. More later….

May 18th

Well..I was just guessing on how much the car was going to cost, remember, I said that it would be 200 bucks? It actually is only 199…yay! I hope you get the sarcasm. But since having a loud car is one thing I can’t stand, it’s a good deal to me. It was a good decision to put the bike on the carrier and ride home to wait for the car…got the chance to work out and I’ll have some lunch before I ride back to get it. Have had this weird taste for chili dogs for the last few days so that is what I’m going to have.

No other plans for today other than to clean again…did a bunch of stuff around here over the weekend that made quite a mess so I’ll have to get on it. Should make enough cash this week to get the new rear tire for the bike and buy a cable modem to get rid of this damn unreliable DSL. More later…

May 17th

Been kind of a strange day today… all of my days are strange, I guess. Did get the workout in and took a long bike ride but the damn wind was ugly..oh,well. Have to take the wreck in to the muffler shop again seems like at least once a year, I have to have something replaced; another 200 bucks down the drain…I need to find a job so I can buy a new car.

The LC is still closed so I don’t know where Monday out is with G is going to be has to be somewhere that has Keno since that is a large part of of our night and is fun when we win sometimes. Probably Florentine’s since it is half way between our places and they have keno…hmmmm…well, that’s about it for now…I’ll get to the GRP and columnist thing later or tomorrow…

Sunday funday…

Well…that was fun to be out for a change..have been here since Wed night and the boredom was becoming normal…don’t want that to happen since I’m isolated enough…hmmmm. It was nice to see K and V but it was a short one…only a couple of beers and a shot, but I am a little worn out since I’ve been up since 5:45…yep, still not sleeping but, as I’ve said, not going to bitch about that any more since everyone I know has the same problem…I’d love to just once sleep like I did when I was a teenager…where your head hit the pillow and you are out for 10 hours. Oh, well…

I DO have some outrage percolating over the Grand Rapids Press and how slanted they are to the point of being another mouthpiece for the repubs…I mean, c’mon…Michele Malkin and Jay Ambrose as their star columnists…geez…what are they, Fox news midwest?

May 16th

Well…it is getting kind of irritating that I can depend on the DSL going out on Friday night and coming back on Sunday morning…but I did get a lot of stuff done yesterday do maybe there is a silver lining. Just watched the F-1 race from Monaco and I don’t like the idea that they moved it from Memorial Day weekend…it was always the coolest race weekend with Monaco, Indy, and the World 600 all on the same day…it used to be wash and wax the car day, too, listening to Indy on the radio..bygone days, I know.

Getting ready to take the bike out as soon as the temp gets up to around 60…going to take a nice long one today but I’m not sure if it’s Pink Floyd for the ride or maybe some Peter Gabriel “Secret World Live”….or Neil Young….hmmmm. More later….