The economic know nothings win….

Well…it looks like the economic know nothings in the congress have won and we are headed back into recession with the trillions of dollars in cuts that are included in the bill… the repubs keep saying that these cuts will stimulate the economy but it has never happened in the history of modern economies and I guess it just like everything else with those guys; the have faith that they are right and that’s all they need. As I’ve said before and as every econ 101 student knows, demand is what drives economies to expand and this bill will lower demand from both the government and individuals…it’s what I learned in my masters program…you can’t cut your way to growth…and this slack recovery is the direct cause of business squeezing their workers to the point that it’s hard to make ends meet on two incomes nowadays; it used to be that you could do it on one…this gutting of the middle class has reached a tipping point that I think will doom us to a permanent recession or stagnation…you reap what you sow…

Now, all that’s left to do is wait until the crash hits and vote these nuts out of office and repair this damage…

August 1st

Well…it was a cocktail night last night and I don’t feel that hot today…so the promises that I made yesterday of increased lucidity and relevance will have to wait until later today when I feel better….the first of the month is always the worst day since I have to write the check for the rent so I think I’m going to just try to repair the wounds and veg. I don’t have a lot to do today anyway….might even skip the papers and coffee… I am going to try to stay on track for two a day so come back later and there will be another one….