Well…got everything done and have started to feel a little better and thought I’d come here and do one as I wait for lunch to warm up…I have been thinking about this for a month or so and it is strange enough that it has stuck with me so here goes….after watching 8 or so swans grow up last year along Muskegon lake along with many ducks, I noticed that there aren’t any this year…there have been lots of baby geese that are already changing color to look like adults, but not one swan or duck baby…and with all of the swans out here, we must have over 50 of them, you would think that there would be one cygnet from the 25 pairs…or a few ducklings. I wonder if this is a natural cycle or maybe the eggs got eaten by predators? Just something to ponder and maybe do some research on….more later…oh, the political one is going to be a little late today…going out to the beach for a while after lunch…it is hot and humid out here today….
Monthly Archives: July 2022
July 5th
Well…damn, got whacked with depression again last night and that continues this morning….couldn’t drag myself out of bed until almost 7 and doing this physically hurts….at least it rained a bit out here last night so I won’t have to water the lawn today….I may have slept okay but I don’t feel like it right now…and I’m not sure if I’m going to get on the bike today…maybe it would be a good day to take the day off and just veg a while….didn’t get much done yesterday and today looks the same…I have a splitting headache and need to do my teeth after making popcorn last night to try outĀ some white corn I got a couple of weeks ago….there are still shortages of everything and I can’t figure it out…peanut butter and popcorn? I do need to run an errand this morning and that is going to take all the energy I have just to get in the car and drive a couple of miles….so I probably should get in the shower and get going….more later….
Got a few things done…
Well…when I got started today, I didn’t really have any plans other than to get the bike rides in….but after I did that, I decided to mow the lawn since it was looking pretty shaggy and uneven and I had to do a small weed walk to get at the ones I missed the other day as I waited for the pizza I made for lunch to bake….after lunch I decided I had time to hit the beach for a little while but I forgot it was a holiday so I thought it might be a pain to find a parking spot…but, it wasn’t….even though my little beach was the most busy I have seen it since I moved out here….and it still was only about 40% filled…and now, I just laughed since I was going to write that I am waiting for the rain to come but it is going to fall apart when it hits the lake just like every damn time I get my hopes up that my lawn is going to get a drink…so, it’s 3:20 and I am done for the day…I did get a few things done so I don’t feel too badly about not getting more work done…there is always tomorrow…
Demonic possession?
Well…cripes, just as I thought that repub candidates couldn’t get any crazier, along comes the trump backed candidate for SoS here in Michigan who is literally batshit insane. This woman, Kristina Karamo opinedĀ in 2020 that abortion was “child sacrifice” and a “satanic practice” and went on to say that child sacrifice in other cultures was okay because they thought it would bring them prosperity, or good crops or whatever…and she thinks that women getting abortions today are doing the same thing..sacrificing a child to get something better in their lives like prosperity or freedom. But that is not the most insane thing she has said….she “knows” that demonic possession is real and the demons are what people getting abortions are sacrificing to…but that’s not all of it…she thinks that people can be possessed by demons and if you have “intimate relations” with that person, you can get possessed, too….the one thing you have to remember about this person is that she supports the big lie and it is the reason she is running to control our elections and she attacks anyone who disagrees with her by calling them instruments of satan or “demonic”….and that includes all of the dem party and everyone in the lgbtq community…typical bullshit trumpist baloney…cripes I remember when we actually had mental hospitals here in Michigan and I’d bet that if you walk into one of them and picked some random patient, they would be more sane that this lunatic….so folks, this is what the modern repub party has devolved into…and it ain’t pretty…cripes…
July 4th
Well…another 5:35 morning and I wonder if I’ll ever be able to sleep in again? I did sleep okay so I guess that’s something….and I don’t hurt much this morning…had a pain in my chest yesterday that was a little concerning but it was just a muscle problem since it changed as I moved and was not affected by riding hard…but it worried me for a bit since all of my brothers have had heart problems…and even a couple of my sisters so the time bomb is ticking….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but cleaning and today will probably be the same…I do want to mow the lawn with the mower set pretty high just to even it out…haven’t mowed it at all in almost two weeks since it went pretty dormant with no rain out here…I do need to go to menards for more lawn food, some weed killer, and some grass and weed killer that I use to keep the sidewalks clear of grass growing in the cracks….but that won’t be today with the holiday and everyone having the day off…..not much to do today….just the two bike rides and some more cleaning…want to do the bathroom today after I get the lawn done….I’m really hoping the rain that is forecast actually happens today…or tonight….it’s been almost a month since it last rained here and everything is brown from it….even the tall grass along the trail is dying and the trees look wilted…it would be nice to not have to water everything all day long for a change….more later….
My next project…
Well…after eating smoke from all of the damn campfires around here, I have found my next project…getting the city to enforce the open fire ordinance that tells people they have to put out fires when the smoke or smell enters someone’s house…as it does here almost every day. It’s a pain in the ass to not be able to open my windows on an 80 degree day and have some breeze blow through here…so today, I sit here cooped up with a fan on since some ass has had a fire going on since Friday…but it’s not just one person…it’s basically everyone up here and it reminds me when I moved in and everyone played their damn music all day long…with my efforts, that is much better…still making noise calls but I can get 3 or 4 days in a row where I don’t have to….so, starting Tuesday, I am going in full force on shutting the fires down up here….wish me luck….
No politics today…
Well…I have been having a hard time even reading the news after the SC took a hatchet to our country and I dread the rest of the things they have in store to turn it into a dystopian hellscape that only straight white guys will be happy with….and I am filled with the same dread that gripped me for months after Putin installed trump in the presidency…and that took me about 5 months to be able to even look at the news and you know the topics here were few and far between…it’s tough to write these when I am so depressed…probably the most about politics that I have ever felt in my life time and I still don’t understand how the repubs get such joy from taking rights away from people and thinking up ways to hurt the rest of us…I mean how do you sleep at night when you know that women are going to die with the death of Roe…and in every damn repub controlled states they are trying to outdo each other trying to control and punish women…making it illegal for women to travel if they are pregnant? That is just one of the laws that have been proposed in red states that will be nationwide if the repubs win in November…and the latest from one of these hellholes is making it illegal to even talk to a pregnant woman about abortion…damn the constitution and the first amendment…they know that the right wing judges that mcconnell helped install will approve of anything that these assholes want and know they no longer need to follow the law or the constitution….because the SC doesn’t….whatever you do, get out and vote in November…but only for dems…if you want to vote for repubs, you don’t belong here….oh, I guess this one was about politics…
A lazy day….
Well…darn, after getting the bike rides in, I feel so damn worn out that I have just laid on the couch for the past two hours and that is just not normal for me…but, I guess I can take it easy every once in a while…the TDF was on for a bit and then right into race day with the F1 race and now indycar is going to start here in a few minutes, then IMSA, and after that nascar so I could just sit here the rest of the day and watch races and I just might…and I don’t think I’m going to feel guilty about it at all…but I might do some cleaning since I haven’t done any in the past week and the kitchen could use some work…the back steps need to be cleaned, too, along with the mats so I may just do short little bursts to get the bad stuff done…and I should scrub the stairs while I’m at it….and the stove has gotten pretty ugly so that should be done, too….maybe I’ll squirt some cleaner on it and let it soak a while…but the race is starting so I need to see that first….more later….
July 3rd
Well…damn, I’m getting tired of getting up at any time that has a 5 in front of it…and today it was 5:14 and that kind of sucks…I mean I just read a study that says anything under 7 hours means that you are going to die earlier that people who sleep well but I really don’t know what to do about it…don’t want to take the otc sleeping pills again since they make me sluggish all morning so I guess I’ll have to think about it a bit…I did have a pleasant surprise this morning when the car sounded normal when it was kind of loud when I went to the beach Friday….okay, I floored it in 5th at about 20 so that could have done it…I would like to get a new car before this exhaust goes so I can save 4-500 bucks…I did see the fireworks from my front porch last night and that was kind of cool…was not going to go down the hill to see them….have seen enough fireworks in my life and I’m not going to make any effort to see them again….I had a laugh yesterday when I steamed my first batch of green beans out of my garden…had a half a plate of them and, as always, I had to check how many calories they have in them…each bean has about 3 calories in it so the plate full only had about 60 calories….I had estimated that it would have been about 150 so I stayed under a thousand for the day, not that it was the plan but it worked out okay….I do need to get on the bike right now at 6:45 if I’m to get two in before the F1 race on at 10 but it is not too attractive sitting here right now…I could use a day off at some point but I’m not sure what the point would be…not much to do today….oh, the damn weather force field that keeps the rain away worked again last night when a storm with thunder in it was heading right toward us but fell apart just as it was hitting the coastline…and that really sucks since my lawn is dying…I think I’m just going to wing it today and not plan anything….have missed the tour de France that started a couple of days ago so I’ll have to remember that for later this morning…more later…
Ohio repubs are monsters…
Well…just what we living in the rational world that respects women’s rights said was going to happen has just happened in Ohio after the corrupt supreme court overturned roe…and a 10 year old girl who was raped and impregnated was just refused an abortion with the ghouls there saying that this baby is a “gift” to the girl and she should be happy to have it…yep, all of the old white guys that passed this regressive law in response to the loss of Roe have basically said tough shit to this little girl and are trying to force her to become a mother at 10 years old…this is the true repub party…is this what you want for this country? What if it was your child? To compound the trauma of the rape, now they want to make sure she has a reminder of it for the rest of her life…isn’t this child abuse? Yes it is…but the repubs don’t care…they only care about their control of women and abusing them using the law…and yet, how many women still vote for these assholes? Way too many, and if even 20% of them would change their vote, women could get their rights back by electing dems who care about them and their rights….and these sick fucks are gloating about this child not being able to get the health care she needs…doing incessant press conferences praising “god” for the miracle of her pregnancy….these men are just monsters…there is no other word for it….and I told you this and have been telling you since I started this many, many years ago…do not ever vote for another repub…if you do, you will be responsible for the death of this country…and that is not hyperbole…