Saint Ronnie’s son…

Well…it’s been raining all day so that meant no bike ride today so I do have to do another one of these so the entire day is not a waste…I was watching  ”The Daily Show”  the other day and the strangest commercial came on…that I am still marveling about…and it starred St. Ronnie Reagan’s son Ron who was on talking about the fact that  he is a life-long atheist and is soliciting funds for the Freedom From Religion Foundation…a group that fights the religionists on the right from jamming their nonsense down our throats….now, as you know, I consider myself an atheist, too, and reject running my life on the superstitions of goatherders from 2,000 years ago, and I found that having Ron go on tv and proudly declare that he has been an atheist his whole life shocked me at first but then made me feel good that people of no religion are finally getting tired of god this, and god that every day all day. One of the best parts of the ad was at the end where Ron said something like “I know that many of you believe that I am going to burn in hell…but there is no hell so I’m not concerned…”  It’s about time that we started to step up and put the delusion of religion back where it belongs….in churches…not in our lives…geez…

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