Well…I am just amazed at the stupidity of people in the US these days…I wonder if it’s always been this way and the stupidity is just being better reported now or if this is a new thing…all I know is that this one almost takes the cake…don’t want to say that it does take the cake because the pattern has been that there is more and more stupidity of greater and greater depth every week. This one is a huge laffer, though…with a woman from Nebraska suing all gay people on the entire planet for breaking “religious and moral” laws…and she did it with a handwritten, misspelled, and lacking in punctuation petition….the suit is filed as “Driskell v. homosexuals” and slams gay people as “liers, deceivers, and thieves”…yeah, liar is spelled wrong multiple times in the suit….I really don’t know why I write about this stuff any more…it is a little soul crushing to think that people have so little to do and are so ignorant to think a suit like this would ever result in anything, but they continue…like the drip, drip, drip, of water torture, this idiocy is taking away the little hope of sanity I have for this country…how do these people live everyday? Geez….