Military overload….

Well…after enduring all of the sad stories and military worshiping during every US race yesterday, I wonder if anyone else is getting tired of it? Not tired of being thankful for the military but if I hear anyone else say “protecting our freedom” again I am going to scream. Saying that the soldiers that died in Iraq and Afghanistan were “protecting our freedom” does a great disservice to those who died in WWII and obfuscates what protecting freedom really is. After all, none of the countries in the middle east that we invaded where our soldiers were killed was a threat to us at all…I know, bin Laden was in Afghanistan but once he wasn’t, why the hell are we still there? The only thing I got from all of the military porn during the last week is “how come the guys that ordered these illegal wars are not in jail?” They should sit the repubs down that want even more “military action” and make them watch every story that I did over the past week to make them understand the human toll that their recklessness has cost….and we have to stop these endless wars so no more stories of our brave soldiers dying have to be told….that would honor the dead more than any flyover at any Nascar race would do…geez…

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