Well…in the aftermath of the church shooting in SC, I have read reams of stuff about the “Confederate pride” that is still a thing in the south…and I have lots of questions about that. Pride in what? That your ancestors were treasonous murderers who killed more Americans that have been killed in all of the rest of the wars in the country’s history? Pride that you bought and sold people and built your fortunes on the backs of others? Pride that you are still murdering black people at an astonishing rate? Pride that you lost the Civil war? And not just lost…you were humiliated and that is something to be proud of? I have had enough of this neo Confederate nonsense…there was nothing to be proud of in killing Americans just to keep your slaves and your revisionist nonsense that you spout today that the war was against “northern aggression” is just BS…I just don’t want to hear this crap anymore…geez..