Well…as you all know, the repubs don’t really care about the constitution or the law for that matter unless it can be used to hurt people they don’t like…and, a couple of days ago ole JEB! showed just how much they respect the law when he proposed, if he were elected president, that he would unilaterally cut the pay of members of congress if they didn’t show up to vote on everything that is proposed…now, nevermind that their were over 5400 bills introduced last year and that would make it something like 20 a day they would have to vote on…the big takeaway here is that his little scheme is unconstitutional….the executive branch can’t do anything to the legislative…the founders set it up that way to ensure that power is never concentrated in one branch…and, if ole JEB! could control their pay, you can bet he would use it to punish those who didn’t vote ole JEB!’s way….I am not surprised that this idiot would propose something like this….he was supposed to be the smart one…and I am shuddering to think that ole GW may be the smart one compared to JEB! yow…..