Capitalism and healthcare don’t mix well…

Well…with all of the press being given to healthcare these days, one little known capitalistic tactic has been flying under the radar…until now. With many illnesses, there are old drugs that work perfectly fine and, with the few cases there are, there is no incentive for any drug company to develop new drugs or for companies to develop generic analogs for those drugs. But, that’s not good enough for the Wall street boys that make their living screwing people and stealing everything they can…the new trend is for the hedge fund boys to find a company that has one of these old drugs and is the only company making it…they then buy the company or the rights to the drug….and increase the price astronomical amounts…the latest example being the drug Deraprim, a 62 year old drug used to treat AIDS patients. The ghoul behind this crap is a jerk called Martin Shkreli who just happens to be a former hedge fund manager and what he did is just the worst of capitalism…he took the price of this drug which once cost a dollar a pill to $750 dollars a pill putting the treatment out of reach of many patients and lining his pockets while people die…justifying his actions saying the increase is necessary to fund “research”…that will never happen. In fact, in a previous company where he did the same thing to pediatric kidney patients, he is now being sued for 65 million dollars…this guys is no humanitarian…and this crap should be stopped now before more people die just to make him richer…how does he live with himself? Pretty easily, I’d guess…these folks don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves….geez…

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