I’m disappointed…

Well…as you know, I very seldom talk about religion unless is it being used as a bludgeon to impose religious views on people who are non believers…but, something the Pope did last week disappointed the hell out of me…he made the point to meet with the homophobic country clerk from Kentucky who refused to do her job and issue same sex marriage licences to gay couples….what does the Pope not understand about discrimination and the separation of church and state here in the US? It is not ‘religious freedom” to deny other people their rights just because you don’t like the idea that gays can get married…and by meeting with her, the Pope gave sanction to this unlawful behavior…it was a terrible mis-judgement on his part, to elevate a hater to the status that she gets a private meeting with the Pope…she who is on her 4th marriage…it just shows how we need to end the hegemony of religion in this country an put it back in the churches where it belongs….geez…

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