Well…if you’ve been here before, you’ve heard me talk about the need to keep religion where it belongs; in churches and not forced down the throats of people who may be of another religion or of no religion at all…and the people here in the US who are the perpetrators of that force are the supposed “Christians” who have the delusional notion that the US is a “Christian” country. Even now, in 2015 we still have this crap going on all across the country, but mainly in the south where even elementary school children are being coerced into illegal prayer in school. In this particular case, a public elementary school in Georgia was forcing the entire school to engage in Christian prayers to start the day, clearly an unconstitutional act but it gets even worse…when two kids whose parents told the school district that it was unconstitutional said they wouldn’t pray, they were yelled at by their teachers and told to go sit in the hallway while the rest of the class prayed…and later, other teachers tried to get the kids to go against their parents teaching and pray with the class just to “get along”. Finally, the parents had had enough and sued the school district to get them to cease and desist their illegal acts. While the parents won the case, what kind of reprisals will that mean for their kids? One of the kids was pulled from the school because she was uncomfortable with how she was treated…and the other, older child is trying to stick it out under the daily, subtle threats she is undergoing. Now, this whole sordid episode just shows why religion should be put back in churches where it belongs….but the teachers and administrators who set up this forced adherence to Christianity should also have been fired…but, they are still there, waiting for their next chance to break the law and push their religious beliefs on others…geez…