Well…as you’ve heard me say before, whenever anyone on the right predicts something, you can be sure that the opposite will happen or, at the very least, they will be wrong. Just read an article that has a few laughers in it that I thought I’d pass on…to start off, we had a real, sitting senator, Mike Lee, go on the senate floor before the 2012 election and predict that if Obama was re-elected, gas prices would be at least $6.05 a gallon or even higher by 2015…now, I can’t remember that happening, can you? The second great prediction came from ole Mitt during the election campaign when he said that, if Obama was re-elected, unemployment would be stuck at 8% forever…now, not sure exactly what the rate is right now but I think it’s around 5%…wrong again idiots. Then we have the Donald predicting that, if Obama was re-elected, stocks would crash and the country would go broke…what did happen? Hmmmmm…the stock market is up 27% since the election…..wrong again, idiots. The last one is by ole Rushbo who confidently predicted that the economy was going to crash with the Dem run California declaring bankruptcy and taking the rest of the economy with it. Now, this one is a two fer with ole Rush being wrong on both points…California, with it reality-based economic policies, is now running a 4 billion dollar surplus and we’ve had years of growth in the economy…the chief idiot being really, really wrong…but, they all are…all the time…and no one calls them on it…the media has to get off it’s ass and start asking these questions…would be fun to watch…geez….