Finally, a primary…

Well….running late since I have been trying to get the tax stuff together so I can get it in tomorrow….I am a little excited that there is finally a primary to judge who is ahead and how the rest of the field is doing…I am really hoping Bernie takes it huge but the battle of ideas between he and Hillary is nothing but a good thing for our side….and if Hillary wins all the way through, I will support her just to make sure no repub can even get close to the White House…I am laughing a little the Rubiobot is falling on his face and the latest revelations from his staff that he gets anxious and uncomfortable when dealing with new things should just about eliminate him from the race. I am a little curious to see who drops out after today…we will have both Bernie and Hillary since they are pretty even but Christie and JEB! should be gone after today…at least I hope they will be….I am really looking forward to the debates between our side and their nominee….going to be a bloodbath and fun to watch….

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