Well…the repub primary season has been a thing of wonder…as I wonder how they are going to try to appeal to anyone but their bigoted base as all the candidates lurch farther and farther to the right to try to appeal those troglodytes. The latest is ole Ted Cruz who yesterday said that, when he is elected, he will send US Marshals to find all of the undocumented immigrants in the country and forcibly deport them…never mind that they would be breaking up families and leaving their US citizen kids to fend for themselves…really, really Christian things to do, don’t you think? I wonder what the base would think of the additional “gubmint” workers that would be necessary to enforce this nonsense…and I wonder what his owners would think when the labor they need to make their obscene profits disappears? I do know that I just hope they keep this up…there will be so much ammunition for our side come the general that no independent could vote for these guys…geez…