Well…if you have watched any of the debates lately, there can be no confusion about who the adults on the stage are…the repub debate was rife with dick jokes, personal insults, and braggadocio…while Bernie and Hillary had a spirited policy debate that showed that either one of them would be so vastly preferable to any repub that is still in the race. But the delusion on the right continues, that anyone from their “deep bench” is better than the dems…and have any chance to be elected in the fall…all we have to do is turn out and we get the presidency and the senate back….I just don’t want to hear any more Bernie supporters saying they will not vote if he is not nominated…don’t be idiots folks…and hand the election to the repubs just because you’re pissed…I’m a Bernie supporter, too…but any dem is better than the best of the repubs…geez…