Some good omens from the court…

Well…with the death of Scalia a few weeks back, it appears that the conservative stranglehold on the supreme court is starting to weaken….and none too soon. This past week we saw the court basically slap down the conservative 5th circuit court that had allowed some draconian anti abortion legislation to take effect that would close all but one clinic in Louisiana….restrictions that are all but identical to those in Texas that made clinics that did no surgical abortions be brought to the same code as surgical centers and that required admitting privileges for doctors performing abortions…and that are before the court right now. And in that case, we saw the liberal justices on the court shred the arguments that Texas had for restricting a woman’s right to choose…telegraphing that the court is leaning toward throwing out the Texas laws as being too restrictive. It is somewhat gratifying that the liberals are dragging the court back to actually deciding cases based on the law, not on ideology that the conservatives had gotten away with as Scalia bullied the rest of the court….and that business has seen the writing on the wall that they won’t get everything they want from the court…as seen in Dow Chemical settling a price fixing case for almost a billion dollars since they understood that their bought and paid for shills, led by Scalia, could no longer give them the rulings they wanted…’s about time…geez…

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