Well….I was going to write about the demise of ole Marco today but there have been new happenings in Kansas that I just needed to comment on…if it wasn’t bad enough that repub control of the state has left it’s finances in tatters with the huge tax cuts to the rich and business…it is so bad there that the supreme court of Kansas told the repub controlled legislature that the cuts they made to the schools there are unconstitutional…but did they respond by abiding by the court ruling and fixed their failing schools? Of course not, they are repubs after all and they just KNOW that the law doesn’t apply to them….so, they just passed a new law there that says that if any judge in any court disagrees with the legislature…even if the law they pass is blatantly unconstitutional…that judge can be put in jail…yep, you heard that right…the party that screams constitution this and constitution that has just shown that all of that bleating is just the bullshit we all know it is….and they only care about naked power and ideology and that is what we would see if these folks ever take over the presidency…..I just don’t know what to say about the repubs these days other than they are the biggest danger that this nation has ever seen…and they need to go back to the rocks they crawled out from…geez…
Okay…have a correction…the judges can be impeached not put in jail…my mistake…