And to hate….

Well…just when you thought that the repubs couldn’t get any worse or hate any more, here comes Mississippi with a hate filled anti LGBT bill that is such a piece of crap and is so unconstitutional that there must be lead in water down there….this bill will allow anyone to discriminate against anyone just as long as it is a”strongly held religious belief”…this one will allow gay folks to be evicted from their housing, fired from their jobs and even goes farther to allow discrimination against anyone that doesn’t believe as these haters believe…unmarried and living together? Yep, you can be evicted from your housing and fired from you job….a woman wearing pants? Yep, employers that claim the religious crap exemption can now force women to wear skirts and I guess for men to wear beards or they can be fired…. a gay person in an emergency room? This bill allows the doctors and nurses to refuse treatment for religious grounds. There is just one thing I want everyone to remember, whenever there is hate in this country, it comes from the repubs…and whenever rights are taken away, it is the repubs that are behind it…come on ACLU…this one is ripe for a lawsuit today…get on it….geez…

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