Well…with the passing of the anti LGBT bills across the south and the reactions to this undisguised hate towards these people, you would think that legislators in other states would think long and hard about enacting that hate in their states. But, no, the idiocy continues and has spread to Michigan with, you guessed it, the repubs here proposing the same kind of legislation here in reaction to the state board of education starting to formulate policies that would protect LGBT students here. What the hell is is with these folks? Why do they seem compelled to use their control over the government to hurt people? That is the modern repub party folks….scream about the federal government taking control over the states and then use the power of the state to take away local control that they love in any other circumstance. Look, you know that I point out this hypocrisy on a regular basis, and you are probably tired of hearing it…but people need to be aware of the damage the repubs are doing to this country….and vote to stop it…geez…