If the repubs lose the Kochs, what do they have left?

Well…following the batshit insane antics of the repub candidates, I thought I’d heard everything, but no, today I heard something that I never thought I’d hear…one of the Koch brothers saying that Hillary would be a better president than any of the repubs that are running. Yep, one of the most insane conservative billionaires in this country thinks that Trump and Cruz have gone too far even for him…from databases of Muslims, to “watching” Muslim neighborhoods, to building a wall on our southern border is too much for the Kochs, when they have no problems spending millions of dollars so that Cleveland couldn’t raise money for it’s zoo…or any one of the rest of the nuttiness they support. Now, that is saying something when the repubs have gone so far off the rails that David Koch thinks you are nuts and won’t spend any money to support you…but that is where the repubs are now…I would say ‘jumped the shark” but that is way too mild for what has happened…maybe “drunk the gasoline”…I’ll have to think a while to come up with the perfect description…what do the repubs have left if they have lost the Kochs? Not much….more later…

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