Well…I was really pleasantly surprised yesterday with a federal court ruling that was an epic smackdown of hate legislation enacted in Mississippi that would have allowed discrimination against the LGBT community by idiots that would only have to shout “religion” and then be able to fire people for being gay, or refuse them housing, or doctors could refuse to treat gay people…you get the drift. In handing down the ruling, this judge did what I haveĀ advocating for quite some time now…that the 14 amendment’s equal protection clause be used to attack this discrimination since they all create classes of people who have less rights than everyone else…and this judge threw in the establishment clause from the first amendment for good measure since the idiots that passed this law openly said it was based on religious beliefs and that is directly forbidden by the first amendment. It has been a pretty good week for we progressives who believe in an equal society…and with the appointment that Hillary will make to the supreme court….it is only going to get better…I can see the smoke coming out of the the ears of conservatives…and I just fricking love it….